Sunday 17 January 2016

Nerd Church - Just For One Day

This week, we lost people who we felt we knew.

True, most of us had never met them - but does that matter? We admired them. We respected them. In our way, we loved them.

I think that the world will always need heroes - whether real or fictional. And sometimes, when the actor is passionate enough, the singer unique enough, their image becomes inseparable from their creations.

David Bowie re-formed his own image so many times that he may well have been a timelord of sorts. We didn't know him, true. But we were given enough of a glimpse of the man to know we admired him; and his characters.

The people that he managed to become through his music and costume showed us all that we really needed to know.

Don't get me wrong - I don't think he was actually Ziggy Stardust, or the Thin White Duke, or any of his other personas.

But they were a part of him, and he a part of them: and they enchanted us, spoke to us, told us something about ourselves.

And then there's Alan Rickman. We will never be able to imagine Snape without Alan Rickman's heavy silences, meaningful looks, or deep and powerful voice.

To me, Snape's memory from the last Harry Potter film is a class in 'how to act,' - that scene stole the show. It's already iconic, and I'm sure it'll only become more so in time.

So yes, we mourn people we did not know personally - because we know how beautiful they were. We know that the world has lost incredible men. We mourn them because they spoke to us, in one way or another.

Nerd Church is a weekly post discussing moral, ethical, and topical issues in a friendly, nerdy, and non-denominational, setting (non-nerds also welcome.) Feel free to write your own posts - on this or any other topic (but please link back to this blog.) 

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