Showing posts with label Nerd Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nerd Church. Show all posts

Sunday 21 July 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Write Through


Warning: this post discusses Depression

Title: Write Through

I have not had a good week, mental-health-wise.

I had some very bad Depression days, and was generally not very good, mentally.

The thing is that when my mental health is poor, I really struggle to write. 

Anything. Like, coherent sentences are a problem.

Let alone the *Writing* I really need (I explained the difference between writing and *Writing* here, if you're interested.)

Sunday 14 July 2024

Nerd Church - Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow


Title: Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow

Do you get the feeling, sometimes, that everything out there in the big wide world is kind of... rushed?

It's kind of fast, kind of hurried, kind of urgent.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Nerd Church - Short Story: Unwitnessed

Originally published in Promptly Written on Medium, for this prompt by Ravyne Hawke:

Write a ‘moody’ piece around any of the following:

— a fresh perspective
— a lingering thought
— a lost moment in time

implied violence


Silhouette of a lone woman, sitting and looking upwards
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Sunday 30 June 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: When Is A Writer Not A Writer?

...Handmade vs AI mass production.

Title: When Is A Writer Not A Writer?

Have you ever, when out shopping, come across an item — a necklace or a piece of pottery, perhaps — and noticed that it’s marked ‘handmade’…

…and it’s so intricate, so beautiful, that you just think -


Sunday 23 June 2024

Nerd Church - I'm So Tired Of The General Election


Title: I'm So Tired Of The General Election. Background: neutral, non-party-affiliated, bunting

I'm so tired of the election.

...That's the UK election, by the way. 

Which is happening on July 4th, the date of which apparently led to several people from the Conservative party using insider knowledge to place bets. Classy. (Allegedly.)

Sunday 16 June 2024

Nerd Church - Migraine Trips


Title: Migraine Trips. Background: psychedelic patterning

You wake up and go downstairs, pausing mid-way down.

The lines of each individual stair seem to waver for a moment.

The stairs themselves seem vaguely Burtonesque - all slanted lines and moving pieces.

Your head hurts and you close your eyes.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Month(s) In Review(s) - April + May 2024

Warning: pet death, grief

Did I intend to make this a 2-month wrap-up?

No. No I did not.

Title: April + May. Ebrill + May. Background: flower pattern

Did it become abundantly clear that I wasn't gonna get April's post done by the end of May?

Yes. Yes it did.

April was awful.


You know how my criteria for a good month is one where no-one I care about - human or animal - dies, almost dies, or gets a life-changing diagnosis?

April was not a good month.

My beautiful cat died, dearest nerdlets.

And the world feels off without him. There's a hole in my chest.

So most of the rest of April + May has been trying to get used to life without him.

...It still hurts like hell.

That boy was my everything, and I have cried every single day since I lost him.

But I kept going, despite the urge to stay in bed and wail. 

(Turns out I'm frighteningly good at wailing - with frighteningly being the key word. I... did not know I could make that kind of noise. I freaked my parents the hell out.)

So, y'know, if you've got the chance to check out the posts I somehow managed to write despite the separation of my soul from my body, that'd be great... 😅

dividing line

Comics Wrap-Up

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

Was Not Expecting That! - Wenglish in Marvel's Echo and more

Iconic and Irreplaceable - Joker: Folie a Deux and more

I Can Already Tell - X-men '97 and more

My Fangirling Heart Is Singing Right Now! - Deadpool & Wolverine and more

You Learn Stuff, I Guess - Chibird and more

The Freaking Chaos - Marvel's What If...? and more

Actually Quite Lovely - X-Men '97 and more

Gracing The Waves of the Interwebs - Deadpool & Wolverine and more

Wholesome and Positive - The Cursed Princess Club and more

Friday Fics Fix

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

The Nature of the Void - A The Umbrella Academy (TUA) fic exploring the nature of death, grief, and the Void

Most of You Aren't Gonna Read This - A The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS) horror novella that is extremely well-written. I loved it. I hated it. It's so good.

Because I Am Trash - A TFATWS fic where Sam and Bucky are stuck in an industrial freezer. I stand by my life choices.

Cyberpunk Stucky - In a nutshell: Stucky (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes from the MCU in a relationship,) as detectives in space. But it's so much more than that. I would legit. buy this as an original novel - it's that good.

Vampires and a Smidge of FrostIron - Everything's better with vampires, right? Plus a little bit of Tony Stark/Loki love.

Klaus' Ghosts In A Specific Trope - I like the fandom-specific trope of Klaus literally showing his demons to people who deny or minimise them - the emo goblin spaghetti brain very much likes, OK?

Bucky's A Literal Demon and Sam's A Literal Angel - TFATWS

So. Freaking. Beautiful - A TUA Klaus/Dave fic with Klaus noticing that, in some lights, Dave's eyes are the exact same shade of blue as his powers, the ghosts, etc. etc. Which leads to a whole lot of introspection from both of them and... it's beautiful.

Nerd Church

Can Books 'Talk' To Us? - Do you think books can send us messages?

It's OK (Just Keep Going) - Brought to you by the art of giving myself a pep talk and then posting it on the internet 😅

My Heart Is Broken... - My beautiful boy is gone. 💔

Random Audiobook Ramblings - Walking is boring and books are awesome

Unpopular Opinion: I've Never Liked Gavin and Stacey - Sorry, not sorry. It feels uncomfortable - like Wales through an English lens.

What Does 'Enough' Even Mean? - Has anyone ever reached ‘enough’?

Things Happen When They Happen - I'm trying to remind myself that, so long as I'm working on things, they'll be ready when they're ready.

I Quit Google AdSense - Because this is way too many hoops to jump through for £7

Other Non-Review Posts

Month In Review(s) - March 2024

So, that's April and May for yours truly.

How was yours?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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Sunday 9 June 2024

Nerd Church - Short Story: Gravel-Crunch

This is another Anna Sinclair short story - if you don't know what that is, then you may or may not want to read the previous stories first.

If you do, here they are:

If you don't - the briefest of re-caps:

Anna Sinclair rocks, she swears a lot, and she's got some kind of feud going with some rich boys called Miles and Tony Addison, relating to some money. At least some of said money is currently down Anna's bra.

Now you pretty much know everything I do about her 😅

Warning: alcohol


A short story about one Anna Sinclair.

playground swing
Image by André Rau from Pixabay

Sunday 2 June 2024

Nerd Church - Whatever Else Happens, Trump Is Guilty


Title: Whatever Else Happens, Trump Is Guilty Background: statue of Lady Justice

Whatever else happens, Trump is guilty.

Finally there are criminal, legal, marks next to his name which can be - have been - proved.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Nerd Church - I Quit Google AdSense

Title: I Quit Google AdSense, written inside a search bar

I’ve been using Google AdSense here on Dora Reads for quite some time — at least two years, but honestly, I lose track.

It’s probably more like 5 or 6 years at this point. (I am nothing if not persistent.)

In that time, I earned about £7  — which I couldn’t get to, because the minimum payout threshold is £60.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Nerd Church - Things Happen When They Happen


Title: Things Happen When They Happen

I'm trying to remind myself that, so long as I'm working on things, they'll be ready when they're ready.

I'm an impatient person by nature - I want things done yesterday or earlier, thanks very much - but that's not the way to get sh** done in the long term.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Nerd Church - What Does 'Enough' Even Mean?

Title: What Does 'Enough' Even Mean?

I never feel that I’m ‘enough’ of anything.

Not good ‘enough,’ not attractive ‘enough,’ not successful ‘enough,’ not ‘enough’ of anything.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Nerd Church - Unpopular Opinion: I've Never Liked Gavin and Stacey

...confessions of a rebel Welsh chick, I guess. 😅

Title: Unpopular Opinion: I've Never Liked Gavin and Stacey

OK - I know that there are international fans of this series, but since it's less well-known outside the UK, a little background:

Gavin and Stacey is a BBC sitcom about a Welsh woman from Barry and an English dude from Essex meeting on the internet, falling in love, and trying to get together despite being from opposite ends of the country.

It's also where James Corden hit the big time, in the UK at least. So... there's that. Make of it what you will 😅

Sunday 28 April 2024

Nerd Church - Random Audiobook Ramblings


Title: Random Audiobook Ramblings. Background: pink with white headphones, computer keyboard, notebook etc.

...a post brought to you by my boredom with walking, and my doctor's insistence that, if I go walkies, it'll help with my mental health. (I'm not buying it - it's never helped before, but I'll try anything.)

When there's been no rain for a couple of days in a row, it's not so bad 'cos I can go to the woods, but otherwise said woods are like a very slippery mudslide. 

So if it's been raining within 48-72 hours, then I have to walk around streets and shops and sh** so I don't trip, fall, and end up in the river/bang my head on a tree/anger one of The Fair Folk by falling into them or summat. 

*Sigh* The woods are my natural habitat, dammit!

Sunday 21 April 2024

Nerd Church - My Heart Is Broken...


Warning: pet death

Title: My Heart Is Broken...

One of my cats died this week.

My beautiful boy had a seizure in my arms, and never fully came back. We had to take him down the vets to ease his journey.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Nerd Church - It's OK (Just Keep Going)


Title: It's OK (Just Keep Going)

The world is a total mess, but it's OK, just keep going.

There's war and floods and famine and disease, but it's OK, just keep going.

The things that bump in the night are real, but it's OK, just keep going.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Month In Review(s) - March 2024


March wasn't great.

Not terrible - but then, the bar for terrible is pretty high (or low, depending on your perspective, I guess,) at this point - but not great.

Basically: my mental health sucks at the moment.

Title: March - Mawrth. Background: pink with little pink flowers

Sunday 7 April 2024

Nerd Church - Can Books 'Talk' To Us?


Do you think that books can send us messages?

I've been re-reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl -

so that I can finally move on to the second book in the series with some sort of familiarity with these characters because my brain is swiss cheese

- and I'd forgotten that there was a scene, in the library, where the books are 'talking' to the main character.

Title: Can Books 'Talk' To Us? Background: open books and fairy lights on a bed

Sunday 31 March 2024

Sunday 24 March 2024

Nerd Church - The Participation Trophies Were Never The Problem

...Some hard truths from one of those pesky millennials

Title: The Participation Trophies Were Never The Problem. Background: confetti, a trophy, and a medal

I know you wouldn’t expect any less from a millennial but:

The participation trophies were never the problem.