Showing posts with label anthology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anthology. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Mini-Review! - Dat's Love and Other Stories by Leonora Brito

**This post contains affiliate links for (US). I earn commission from qualifying purchases**

Dat's Love & Other Stories title image with red willow branches hanging down over the corner

Title: Dat's Love and Other Stories

(Also published as 'Selected Stories)

Author: Leonora Brito

'Selected Stories' book cover with an artsy illustration of a Black woman
Genres: Anthology, Short Stories, Contemporary(-ish,) Historical Fiction

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Month in Review(s) - September 2018

Ohmygod September.

September was a f**king rollercoaster. The type where you throw up a lot.

September title image with purple and pink leaves on an autumn forest background
(I'm actually kind of quietly impressed with this graphic that I threw together in like, 15 minutes! Lol.)

On the good side:

It was my birthday! Woop!

(If you wanna give me a present, you can get me a coffee here! If not, I still love ya! 😊)

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Release Day Review!!! - Strange Weather by Joe Hill

strange weather title image

divider image

Title: Strange Weather

Author: Joe Hill

Genre: Novellas, Anthology, Horror

Release Date: 24th October 2017

Amazon: UK - USA


Strange Weather is a collection of four novellas or short novels by writer Joe Hill.

Snapshot, Loaded, Aloft, and Rain are connected by bizarre weather events, providing a backdrop - or a catalyst - to the events which unfold.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Month in Review(s) - September 2017

September was a mixed bag.

But then, that's life I suppose! Still, it was my birthday month, so there's that at least ;)

(I ate soooo much pizza and chocolate cake!!!! 🎂🎂🎂🍕🍕🍕😁)

2017 September calendar pic

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Monday 3 April 2017

Month in Review(s) - March 2017

March was difficult, guys.

My depression has not been good, and I had an awful cold.

So, between the two, my concentration was utterly shot. I also had a lot of work on, which I had to prioritise. (Because I need money.)

pic of books, table, apple, and flowers

The result of those factors was that I only wrote/published two reviews in March (granted, I did publish plenty of other posts too.)

I have to admit that, as my own worst critic, I'm kind of disappointed.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Review Time! - The Voices of Martyrs by Maurice Broaddus

The Voices of Martyrs title image

flower divider

Title: The Voices of Martyrs
The Voices of Martyrs book cover

Author: Maurice Broaddus

Genre: anthology, short stories

Genre (of individual stories): historical fiction, contemporary, sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, vampires, urban fantasy, horror, dystopian, magic realism

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

Honestly, I like me some short stories - and I never fail to be impressed by Rosarium Publishing - so I figured, why not? And decided to give this a shot.


A collection of voices - an unforgotten collected memory that encompasses the past, present, and future.

These short stories are tales of strength, pain, sacrifice, and life. These are the voices of martyrs.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

My Diverse Welsh Authors TBR

Okie dokes my dearest nerdlets - it's time to combine two of my obsessions, diverse authors and Welsh authors.

A lot of these actually came from a post on black Welsh authors I read the other day, which I will link to here.

So, I give you my modest TBR list of diverse Welsh authors:

Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve by Dannie Abse

Amazon: UK - US

This is a semi-autobiographical novel by Jewish Welsh author and poet Dannie Abse. If you've never read any of his poetry - go. Go and look it up. Read. READ NOW.

dat's love by Leonora Brito

Amazon: UK - US

This is a short-story collection by a black Cardiffian author, and looks pretty awesome.

Sugar & Slate by Charlotte Williams

Amazon: UK - US

This is an autobiography which explores the intersection of Welsh and Guyanese identities - which sounds pretty cool.

Telling Tales by Patience Agbabi

Amazon: UK - US

This is like a re-telling of The Canterbury Tales I think? So I'd probably better read the original first!

Asylum: Docu-Drama by Eric Ngalle Charles

Amazon: UK

This bills itself as a docu-drama(?) based on the true stories of asylum seekers in Wales.

Vicious by Bevin Magama

Amazon: UK - US

This is an autobiography of a Zimbabwean immigrant to Wales, and the tale of his time in the Zimbabwean military.

Proud by Gareth 'Alfie' Thomas

Amazon: UK - US

This is the autobiography of Welsh rugby star Gareth Thomas - the first professional sportsman in a team sport to come out as gay, national superstar, and nice local boy t'boot.

Fingersmith by Sarah Waters

Amazon: UK - US

I only realised recently that Sarah Waters is Welsh! And I really want to read this, and possibly some of her other books, because F/F historical fiction dammit!!!!

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Saturday 28 May 2016

Month in Review(s) - May 2016

And so another month is well on its way to faffing off into the sunset.

I actually haven't reviewed any graphic novels this month (I know - who am, and what have I done with Cee?)

I'm probably making up for last month, which had graphic novels falling from the ever-loving rafters.

I've been on a bit of a contemporary YA binge lately - which led to me reviewing 3 contemporary YA titles this month.

'The Art of Being Normal' was beautiful, 'One' was unique, and 'Boy Meets Boy' was your favourite rom-com in book form.

My stand-out book this month, though? 'Swan Boy.' Wow. Just wow.


Swan Boy by Nikki Sheehan - Contemporary, Magic Realism

Young Adult

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson - Contemporary, LGBTQ+
One by Sarah Crossan - Contemporary, Poetry* (*novel in verse)
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan - Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance (M/M)


alt. sherlock. holmes - Anthology, Novellas/Short Stories, Crime, Contemporary*, Historical Fiction*, LGBTQ+* M/M* (*one or more stories.)


Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Review! (Yay!) - alt.sherlock.holmes

Title: alt.sherlock.holmes

Author: Gini Koch, Jamie Wyman, Glen Mehn

Genre: Anthology, Novellas/Short Stories, Crime, Contemporary*, Historical Fiction*, LGBTQ+*, M/M* (*one or more stories.)

Amazon: UK - USA

Individual Novellas:

The Case of the Tattoed Bride (UK - US)
A Study in Starlets (UK - US)
The Power of Media (UK - US)

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley from the publishers Abaddon, an imprint of Rebellion. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.
I'm a fan of pretty much anything Sherlock-Holmes-related, so when I got the chance to read this collection of alternative takes on Holmes & Watson, I was there.


A Scandal in Hobohemia (and) The Case of the Tattooed Bride by Jamie Wyman
Sanford 'Crash' Haus (this story's version of Sherlock,) is the owner of a travelling carnival in 1930s dustbowl-America.
Fate throws him together with Jim Walker (John Watson,) a black amputee war-veteran, who also happens to be one hell of a doctor.

All the Single Ladies (and) A Study in Starlets by Gini Koch
Murder and reality shows bring together Dr John Watson with Ms Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective with the LAPD.
Will Southern California ever be the same?

Half There/All There (and) The Power of Media by Glen Mehn

This Sherlock is hanging out with some very interesting people - Andy Warhol's hangers-on, to be exact, and their drug-dealer, Dr John 'Doc' Watson.

But Sherlock is bored - and decides to find some cases to occupy his time. 

Best bits:

A Scandal in Hobohemia (and) The Case of the Tattooed Bride by Jamie Wyman

I really loved the romance between Jim Walker (this story's John Watson,) and Mrs Hudson - it was sweet but not overly, and gave a nice sub-plot to the whole thing.

I also liked that Jim was a black man in 1930s America - along with all the prejudice that comes with that, despite being a wounded war veteran.

Jim's the narrator here, and never lets himself be pigeon-holed as a victim.

I also love the careful balance of the PTSD elements - a realistic struggle, but not something which overwhelms Jim's whole life.

The 1930s circus/carnival (not entirely sure which,) setting gave it all a slightly Carnevale (UK - US) vibe, which I kind of loved.

All the Single Ladies (and) A Study in Starlets by Gini Koch

I think this was the scenario where Sherlock seemed most like Sherlock - despite being a woman instead of the traditional male role.

She's clever, cutting, but also occasionally playful.

She has a strong edge to her which just spoke totally of Sherlock Holmes to me - determined and non-nonsense; as far as I'm concerned she rocks.

I liked the part-showbiz setting, and the title of 'A Study in Starlets,' is just fantastic ;)

Half There/All There (and) The Power of Media by Glen Mehn

I really liked the prose here in particular - it was incredibly well-written and was quite beautiful in places.

I also loved the Holmes/Watson relationship dynamic here - totally made sense, and was believable and sweet t'boot :)

Plus there was always the sense that everything interweaved with everything else in this one, even if not directly, which gave it a really unique vibe.

Hard to explain it really, but I liked it, whatever it was.

I liked that this novella tried to deal with the racial tensions, and the issues faced by LGBTQ+ people in the 1960s - unfortunately it maybe didn't always get the balance right.

Not so great bits:

There's various instances of violence and swearing throughout the collection, which won't be to everyone's taste.

A Scandal in Hobohemia (and) The Case of the Tattooed Bride by Jamie Wyman

There were moments when I felt that things just didn't quite gel together with this take on Holmes.

I'm not sure why exactly - maybe it was just trying to achieve too much in too short a time, but this made it seem a little jumpy and incoherent in places.

Also, it kept switching from a circus to a carnival, and I'm like: which is it?!

I felt like maybe we could've done with a stronger show of Sanford (this version's Sherlock,) or 'Crash,' and his general character.

He didn't seem all that detailed, character-wise, and, to me at least, I would've liked some more depth.

That's a personal thing though, and I think a lot of people will be happy enough with Wyman's portrayal.

All the Single Ladies (and) A Study in Starlets by Gini Koch

There were moments here where the prose seemed to drag a bit. It wasn't too bad, but it did slow me down in places.

Largely speaking it zipped along, there was just the odd moment where the prose slowed down a little too much for my liking.

Also, occasionally Sherlock acts like a bit of a douche - but then, the character always has been a bit of a douche. (In the best possible way.)

Half There/All There (and) The Power of Media by Glen Mehn

I wasn't too thrilled by all the casual-drug-taking here. In places, it felt like it was a little too normalised, and that's not great. *Shrugs.*

I was also a little confused by the 1960s references in places - I'm not from New York in the '60s, you may have to explain a little more. Just saying.

Also, if the author could've dialogue-tagged the speech a little more? Explained who was talking and when? That would've been great.

I did feel a little uncomfortable with the way some of the racial and LGBTQ+ issues were dealt with.

Referring to LGBTQ+ people as 'homos,' for example, may be historically accurate (i.e. for the 1960s,) but it doesn't feel right to a 21st Century mind-frame.

It's highly uncomfortable - at best.


I really enjoyed this collection overall.

Each one of the interpretations somehow managed to bring a freshness to a story that's been told time and time again (and very well at that.)

Sure, there were hiccups here and there, but largely speaking? An enjoyable read.

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