Tuesday 21 February 2017

Really Mini Reviews! - 3 Contemporary F/F (Lesbian) Romances

It's funny isn't it, how there seems to be a lot more support for M/M romance than there is for F/F romance?

That's not to say that M/M romance doesn't deserve support (it totally does!) but F/F romance shouldn't have to linger by the wayside.

girls kissing pic

Now, I have a habit of reading... pretty much anything I can get my hands on, which includes F/F romances, of course!

But I also tend to go for cheap/on-offer, and free books where possible (I'm broke dammit!) - so in this post, I review 3 short (novella/short story) contemporary F/F books that I managed to snag as freebies. (Woo!)

All three of these books are classified as lesbian romances; there isn't an awful lot of non-lesbian F/F romance out there, which is another reason F/F romance needs more support!

'3 F/F lesbian romances!' Click to tweet

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Title: FlashbangFlashbang Lee Winter book cover

Author: Lee Winter


OK, this one is 18+ only guys, on account of sexy-times.

This is about two journalists at a glitzy Hollywood party.

To be honest, there's not much plot – it's a short pre-sexy-times scene, followed by a sexy-times scene.

But it actually feels really... intimate, and lovely.

It's got real heart, and it's a small snapshot of a relationship that clearly means a lot to the characters involved.


The Morning After Jae book cover

Title: The Morning After

Author: Jae

Amazon: UK - USA


This is really sweet, fluffy, and enjoyable.

Kathryn wakes up at a strange apartment, with a hangover, not remembering much from the night before.

I really loved the stomping all over stereotypes, and the realistic characters, in this.

I also love the conversations between our main characters, lesbians Kathryn and Michelle, and the whole sweet 'when you least expect it' vibe.

If you're looking for something sweet (but not too sweet,) light, and free of sex-scenes, I really recommend this one. It's well written t'boot! :)

However, some people might find some of the language used in the opening date scene ableist towards people with mental health problems. ('Psycho,' 'loony,' - that kind of thing.)

I personally wasn't bothered, but I can see why it would bother a lot of people.


The Sexy Librarian Nicolette Dane book cover
Title: The Sexy Librarian

Author: Nicolette Dane

Amazon: UK - USA


This one is also 18+ on account of sexy-times.

This was actually less trashy than the title would suggest (or than the cover would suggest...)

There's actual plot here! (Which I know from M/F romance/erotica, isn't always the case!)

Don't get me wrong though – there was still a lot of graphic sexy-times!

What I loved about this one though (aside from the romance stuff) was the real love for books and reading in general that shone through the writing. That was awesome.

Not so great was the occasional... odd verb choice... when it came to the sex scenes. It wasn't terrible. It was just... a bit odd.

Perfect indulgence reading though.

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Like this post? Check some of these out:


  1. I'm curious about this odd verb choice you speak of, haha. But these sound like sweet, fun books! Glad you enjoyed them :-) And that cover for Flashbang is so vibrant!

    1. Ha... you know your NSFW tag post? Q4 where you talk about one of your fave characters. Only as a verb, and with a little more... action. It was graphic, ok? Lol. Cocktails seem to be a theme on F/F fiction covers! XD

  2. Thank you for spotlighting this, Cee! I'm intrigued about the second one, I definitely prefer fluffy reads to more serious ones.

    1. Yeah, I think the second one is the only one appropriate for you! ;) Thanks, I figured you see a lot more m/m romance reviews than f/f - and that def. needs to change a little! :)

  3. Ooh, excellent -- thanks for spotlighting these! I have a really hard time finding f/f romances to read, and I'm hoping to rectify that in my reading this year.

  4. I know what you mean! It's kind of weird that there seem to be more M/M romances. I can name a few of those I've read, but I haven't read any F/F ones before myself. I hadn't heard of any of these books before either, so they are all new to me titles!

    1. M/M romance has become popular among some cishet women, which in part is due to a form of fetishisation, and in part is because women can read romances without the sexist tropes of a lot of straight romance. A lot of cishet women shy away from even the non-sexy F/F romance, because they don't find it attractive; which maybe says something about their attitudes towards M/M pairings.

      Basically, I'm sick of F/F somehow being seen as inferior, or something dirty (more so than other romances.) It's totally time to change that! :)

  5. These sound interesting. I'm not usually keen on sexy books, but I don't know if that's because it's been done badly in any books I've read! I love the idea of 3 mini reviews in one post, I might start doing this!
    #RV&HT thanks for linking up!

    (Jenny form Accidental Hipster Mum)

    1. I get that - not everyone's keen on there being sex in books, and not everyone's going to feel comfortable with graphic F/F sex scenes - I'd recommend The Morning After by Jae for a sexy-times free, and very sweet, read.

      Thanks for providing an awesome link-up! The book-blogging community, as awesome as it is, can get a little insular sometimes, so I'm always looking for ways to interact with other blogging niches (and people I can potentially spread bookishness to!) So the free-theme for your link-up was a great plus! :)

  6. These sound interesting, I've not come across any of these titles before, I think The Sexy Librarian would make me double take a bit to be honest! I'm not really one for romance novels and stories, usually they're too graphic or just too fluffy. #RV&HT

    1. Ha, if you don't like romance, you don't like romance. *shrugs* It annoys me, though, how many romance-focussed blogs and websites will talk happily about straight, or even m/m, romances, and completely ignore f/f.

      I have to say though, apart from a few people who've unfollowed me on Twitter (it happens *shrugs*) the open and positive response to this post has been a pleasant surprise :)

      Thanks for your great comment :)

  7. I don't know why there aren't enough F/F romances out there. I need to check these out. I've been reading some M/M romances and wanted to add F/F too. So thanks for this post!

    Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader


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