Tuesday 11 July 2017

Something is Different! - Introducing Dora Reads

Diary of a Reading Addict has become Dora Reads!

The new URL is dorareads.co.uk

I've been meaning to buy a custom domain for a while, and I've just about scratched together the funds to do it!

(This has left me slightly out of pocket however - so if anyone can afford to donate to my ko-fi, I'd be much obliged.)

I came up with 'Diary of a Reading Addict' when I was in a bad place mentally (it's amazing it was that coherent, tbh.) And for a while now I've been uncomfortable with it.

It's the 'addict' bit - it's too close to ableism for my personal comfort.

But I wanted to keep a form of continuity - and I've been shortening things to DORA for a while now. Plus the Latin name Dora means 'gift' - and what could be more perfect?! 

So I am proud to introduce you to Dora Reads! :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Love the change! Just a question, will I have to add the new url in order to see your posts? Or am I good considering I could see this post on my reading list?

    1. If I've done things right (key word *if* - me + technology = ahhh! Lol.) then the old URL should re-direct here :)

      If you stop getting updates then you may have to re-add.

  2. I did not know Dora meant Gift. Man, every time I come here I learn something. I'm glad you feel more comfortable now :)

    1. Thanks :) and glad to be of service! *tips hat*

  3. Congrats on changing the domain name.
    It's perfect! Gift of reading (and you're a gift too) :)


    1. Thank you! (Cheque's in the mail. Just kidding, I can't afford to bribe you!)

      Seriously, what a lovely comment! XD

  4. Congratulations!! I like Dora Reads <3 I'm glad that you feel more comfortable about the name now!

  5. I love your new blog name! And I'm happy that you've found something good for you!

    Is it better to refollow you on bloglovin?

    1. I've transferred my BlogLovin followers to this URL, so it *should* be OK - but if you find you're not getting updates, then unfollow and refollow :)

  6. I'm glad you've found and switched to a name that makes you more comfortable :-) and I like it!


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