Amanda Hocking
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Paranormal* (*ish)
Series: Trylle Trilogy #1
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Paranormal* (*ish)
Series: Trylle Trilogy #1
This book is nuttier than a squirrel's hoard.
OK, so we have mademoiselle-YA-heroine Wendy. Who is completely unlikeable and pretty abrasive. When she's not whining, she's making truly stupid decisions.
But then, she's a YA heroine, and these things happen.
Then Wendy finds out she's a troll (I know - what?!) and a changeling-child t'boot.
She moves in with the other trolls, and we find out that she's about the nicest and least whiny of all of the trolls - who knew?
Everyone continues to make stupid-a*s decisions, although there is a ray of intelligence at the end - which I can't go into, cos, y'know, it'd get spoiler-y.
You know when you see an accident? And you know you shouldn't stare, but you can't look away? It's that feeling.
I shouldn't've wanted to keep reading... but I did.
Oh and those of you who hate/love/love-to-hate/hate-to-love love triangles?
Yeah, this book actually has more of a love rectangle/multi-sided shape... comprised mainly of Wendy and countless broody mystery-dudes. (There are a lot of them. Turns out teenage trolls are naturally pi*sy.)
Other girls also fancy various members of the broody-dude-troop. See? Multi-sided love-shape. (I don't even know.)
There's some violence, and eternally-thwarted sexy-times of one type and another. (Troll society is one massive chastity belt as far as Wendy's concerned.)
There might be swearing... but I honestly can't remember, so if there was it passed me by. It's possible that there was the odd 'cr*p' in there, I really don't know.
If you read this, you will enjoy it... you just won't necessarily want to enjoy it.
*Shrugs* - sometimes you need some absolutely crackers YA, if you love it, go for it.
I liked it. I really don't know why.
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