Sunday 23 May 2021

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: My Own Plot Twists Surprise Me


'The Writer Diaries: My Own Plot Twists Surprise Me' in a handwriting-style font with a pic of a hand holding a pencil in the bottom right corner, making it look like the hand wrote the words because I am clearly easily amused

"Holy sh**!"

These are the words I've just written on paper. Hand-written, in ballpoint pen, in my multi-coloured Crayola notebook (all the cool kids have them! 😉😎)

They're words I've given to one of the characters from my Work in Progress (WIP), Dan, as he realises something ground-breaking that makes everyone look at the situation entirely differently.

...It's a sentiment I fully endorse, because I have no clue where this plot twist came from. 

And, with wide eyes, my only statement at this moment can only be an echoed, 'Holy sh**.'

(Only I can't swear because my mother, so it was more like 'Holy...' and then trailing off.)

Friday 21 May 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Not Ready


'As good as she is at anticipating his family’s actions and decisions, everything always gets a little skewed and unpredictable once the bullets start flying'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love quirky horror movies with kick-butt heroines - which brings us to the film this week's fic is based on: Ready or Not.

Ready or Not is a super-quirky horror film about Grace, who is marrying Alex Le Domas - a member of the rich Le Domas family, who made their money in board games.

(And yes, there is a vibe here that feels very akin to Knives Out, but that's more of a crime film than this - this is def. horror.)

Sunday 16 May 2021

Nerd Church - 'I Shall, This Night, Be Engaged In A Struggle For Freedom': The Fight For The Vote in the UK

(Warning: this post discusses political struggle, including murder by the military. It also refers to historical capital punishment and torture.)

On the night of 4th of November, 1839, somewhere between 1000 and 5000 men from the South Wales valleys marched to the Westgate Hotel in Newport.

By morning, at least 22 of them would be dead.

They were killed by the British army on British soil.

This was the Newport Rising.

''I Shall, This Night, Be Engaged In A Struggle For Freedom': The Fight For The Vote in the UK'

This is the story of the right to vote in the UK - not just for women, but for the majority of the men in this country, too.

And it's long, and it's bloody, and it's rarely taught in schools. 

But it's our history - not the history of the rich, who had long had the right to vote and the ability to stand for parliament - but the history of the working people of this country.

Friday 14 May 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Things Can Be Better

 (Warning: this post discusses Homophobia and the persecution of LGBTQ+ people.)

"What the hell man you can't just go announcing that! You'll get the place raided!" He hissed, Sam furrowing his brows before his face relaxed in realization, letting out a short laugh.

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Am I rec'ing a The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS) fic for the second week in a row? 

Yes, yes I am.

We all know at this point that I'm TFATWS trash (...amongst other trash, but let's stick to TFATWS for now 😅)

I couldn't resist this fic, OK?

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Month in Review(s) - April 2021

(Warning: this post briefly discusses Covid 19/Coronavirus and Lockdowns, and mental health problems)

April was a mixed month.

Not only did we have snow, hail, rain, and blazing warm sunshine on the same day, but the uncertain opening-up after Lockdown etc. still meant that things felt hecka odd.

We're in that odd position where we're (hopefully) beyond the worst of it, but it's also uber-important not to move too fast, y'know?

'April - Ebrill' with a bunch of umbrellas in the background. Just, y'know, floating of their own volition. As they do when you need an artsy background.