I may have forgotten to post again. (Bad Reading Addict!) To be fair, there was Christmas, much Christmas - and you all know how hectic that gets. On the plus side I got some muy awesomeful books for Xmas - City of Fallen Angels (Cassandra Clare,) some Darren Shan, and Clariel (Garth Nix.) You wouldn't think I was in my 20s, sigh.
I have finished The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (which is a bit more grown up) - and what a very random book that is. I do recommend it though, but be prepared for 19th century battiness.
Merry Xmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!!!
Dora Reads is the book blog of a Bookish Rebel, supporting the Diversity Movement, bringing you Queer views and mental health advocacy, slipping in a lot of non-bookish content, and spreading reading to the goddamn world! :) (All posts may contain Amazon links, which are affiliate, unless marked otherwise. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. USA ONLY - please do not make UK purchases with my links)
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