Friday 29 May 2015

True Confessions of a Reading Addict - The Dangers of Goodreads

I thought I could control myself. I thought I could keep it recreational. Then I started the Goodreads challenge.

I find myself reading things just to put them onto my count. I thrill at the prospect of putting my target up again and again. I spend an inappropriately large amount of time per day looking at the covers, displayed in thumbnail format for my pleasure, of the books that have already gone towards it. There's something truly lecherous about the way I gaze upon my conquests (*creepy voice* my pretties.)

Oh, where will it end? Before you know it I'll be selling all I own just to have the money for one more book - just one more book.

I already flirt my way through reams of pages - I'm unfaithful, sometimes reading whole stacks of books without the others knowing. I don't even insist that they all have dust-jackets - that's right, unprotected reading.

And when I found that many of ComiXology free books counted for the Goodreads challenge, did I tell myself you need to go slow? That there's only so many words you can take before the inevitable overdose? No, I just plough ahead - just one more book, one more page, one more chapter. Then I'll quit. Except I know I don't mean it.

The thing is I don't wanna quit! Happy reading :)


  1. Hehe you remind me soo much of my cousin who is obsess with Goodreads and blames me for introducing her to Goodreads. Unprotected reading? Bahahaha

    Happy blogging :)

    Mimi @

    1. I think I was having a moment :)

      Happy (unprotected :P) reading!

  2. Yup...this happens...but some how I have learned to control it...and now I try not to fear my Goodreads challenge :)


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