Wednesday 2 March 2016

Review (Graphic Novel Edition!) - Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen

Adulthood is a Myth Sarah AndersenTitle: Adulthood is a Myth: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection.

Author: Sarah Andersen.

Genre: Graphic Novel, Humour.

Release Date: 8 March 2016.

Amazon: UK - USA.

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

I thought that I didn't know anything about 'Sarah's Scribbles' - but then I started to read Adulthood is a Myth (UK - USA), and realised I had seen so many of these cartoons before!


A collection of 'Sarah's Scribbles' cartoons showing the funny side of modern life and that adulthood is, in fact, a myth.

Best bits:

I related to so much in this collection that it actually started to worry me. This sums up the life of a female millennial - from problems with bra-straps to the thoughts of introverts, and the comfort of books and pets.

I guarantee that if you spend much time on Pinterest, Tumblr, or Facebook, you will have seen more than a few of these cartoons - and laughed. I'm pretty sure you'll laugh even harder on the re-reading.

The drawing style is cute and slightly derpy in that internet-y meme-ish way (that sentence was close to English... but I'm not entirely sure it counts.) It's endearing, but manages to avoid creeping into the 'annoying' zone.

Not so great bits:

Maybe this could've been made better by arranging it thematically...? It just felt a little jumpy, and as a lot of the cartoons were on the same themes and topics, it just felt a bit silly that they weren't grouped together.


This book made me literally laugh out loud. Relatable, fun, wry, and oh-so true, anyone who feels that adulthood is a mystery will love it.

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  1. I know what you mean when you realise that when reading a comic, you've seen a couple of the photos online or as parts of memes before! But I love the whole idea of making a good laugh of something like adulthood which everyone says you have to take seriously. And I am sure a lot of people can relate to it as well like you could!

    1. I've seen so many of these as memes - particularly about book lovers. Because the strips only take up a page, I've seen them shared a lot - I think everyone probably has, whether they've realised or not! It really is a fab book :)


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