Tuesday 19 April 2016

Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - Blood Stain, Vol 1

Blood Stain Vol 1Title: Blood Stain, Volume 1

Author: Linda Šejić

Genre: Graphic Novel

Series: Blood Stain

Release Date: 19 April 2016

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.
This looked to be in a similar style to the graphic novels by Linda Šejić's husband, Stjepan.
And since I loved the way that sort of style worked in Death Vigil (UK - US) which I reviewed last year, I thought I'd try this too.


Ellie is out of work and out of luck.
So... maybe the scientist's assistant job looks a bit... freaking creepy... but... she needs the work. Right?

Best bits:

I loved, loved, LOVED Ellie's memories of jobs gone wrong, as well as her slightly paranoid mental ramblings and imaginings. It made her a) likeable, b) realistic, and c) laugh-out-loud funny!
The style of artwork that Šejić uses is similar to her husbands style - that same openness of lines, and deft work on facial expressions, can be found here as well as in Stjepan's work.
But Šejić brings her own edge, her own voice, to the book.
Instead of being caught in her husband's shadow, she flourishes in it - using the bits she requires, and binding it with own humour and storytelling.
I think you can probably guess by now - I LOVED this book.
I loved the characters. I loved the situation. I loved Ellie's random scatter-brained thoughts.
Ellie rocks - a character you can sympathise with, empathise with, and laugh at, in equal measure. I love her!
I also absolutely loved the possibilities for further instalments - DAMMIT I NEED MORE!

Not so great bits:

The odd bit of swearing, and some panels that could be conceivably called gory if you squint and turn your head a bit, won't put most people off. But I've told you it's there, so now it's up to you.
I did get slightly discombobulated (love that word!) during one or two of the flashback sessions. Because I didn't understand what we were flashing back to. But I worked it out in the end!
My main problem with this graphic novel though is that THERE WASN'T ENOUGH OF IT!!!!!!
I need to know what happened!!!
We're only just getting started on the juicy stuff - the stuff that is our actual premise, dear book, and now you're going to pop off into the wasteland of between-volumes?!


If you like relatable, realistic, awesome-sauce female leads, and awesome storytelling in general, read this book.
If you like graphic novels that actually have a brain-cell, and a fab style of artwork t'boot, read this book.
Basically, just READ THIS BOOK. Because man, I loved this book.

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  1. I don't mind swearing too much at all. But it certainly sounds like there were a lot of things you LOVED about this one which makes it worthwhile reading!

    1. And Linda Sejic is a lovely lady who thanked me for my review yesterday and let me know I'd accidentally shared the wrong link to Twitter (because me without coffee = disaster.)

      The book rocked, I totally loved it :)


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