Monday 30 May 2016

The Writer Diaries: Micropoetry - May 2016

Just a couple of micropoetry poems for you this month - clearly I've not been in an overly poetry-ish mood.

(Just as a reminder - this is the micropoetry that clutters up my Twitter profile over the course of the month. I stick it here because otherwise I'll use it in the stream of tweets-and-such.)

Hopefully the quality makes up for the quantity (a girl can be overly-optimistic and hope, right?)

Anyhow, these are my four little brain-creatures - see what you think:

8th May

Oh but I did see you.
You never noticed me, did you?
Again and again I saw you.
You never saw me.

11th May

The stars are there -
You can't cover them;
They're still there.

You blocked out your shine.
But I'm light. I'm a star. In the dark.

23rd May

My heart is hammering
for attention.
At least I know,
that it's still beating.
Still here.

23rd May

They gave her to the birds, the moon, love -
They did not know
Her names were more than words.
Names gave her away
But she gave herself

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  1. I live for these posts! They all sound so lovely :)

  2. These are beautiful, and quite a few are sad. About you noticing someone but them never noticing you, or knowing the name and beauty in all things but yourself. I have been writing a lot of poetry lately too.

    1. Thank you :) And I suppose they are sad... I don't really think about it when I'm writing them. But I do tend to write them when I'm having a bad day... so maybe that's what it is.

      I'd love to read some of your poetry at some point Liv! :)


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