Friday 29 July 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Carry On Fluffiness

OK, so maybe, just maybe, we sometimes need stories which have the intellectual value of cotton candy.

And there's nothing wrong with that! Everyone likes a bit of fluff every now and then, right?

Well, at least I did. Because the amount of fanfiction smut and angst that exists in this world was starting to get to even yours truly - valiant warrior of fanfiction nuttiness!

(If there was an 18+ version of this blog, I'd tell you about it. But I can't, because there isn't.)

So, in order to give me some faith back in humanity *laughs a little desperately* I read a fluffy SnowBaz fic from the fandom of Rainbow Rowell's novel, Carry On (US.)

(I reviewed Carry On a while back - and you can read my review here. *Cheesy salesman's grin and thumbs up*)

For those of you who don't know, Carry On is a spin-off of a separate Rainbow Rowell novel, Fangirl (US,) where it's featured as a series of books which the main character wrote fanfiction about.

So what we have here is fanfiction based on a novel, based on fictional fanfiction, based on a series of fictional books, within a novel.

You got all that? ...Yeah, me neither. Isn't it great? XD

So this week's fic is about Simon Snow waiting for Baz to return to Watford magic school at the start of the term.

But he's not that bothered - because there's a kitty taking up residence in Baz's bed. A black kitty, with a haughty expression, who always seems to be judging him...

And the kitty is excellent company!

This week's fic then, my dear nerdlets, is:

Good Fortune by arituzz

Enjoy this dose of sugary fluff, and I'll see you for more fanfiction-y-ness next week!

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