Tuesday 16 August 2016

Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - Malice In Ovenland by Micheline Hess

Title: Malice in Ovenland

Author: Micheline Hess

Genre: Graphic Novel, Fantasy, Kids

Release Date: 17 Aug 2016

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

This is an 'all-ages' graphic novel - aimed at kids, but enjoyable for big kids too ;)

I would say this is appropriate for ages 8+, depending on the kid; it's definitely ok for ages 10+.


Lily Brown is your typical Brooklyn kid. But she's about to have a big adventure.

Because the simple, everyday, chore of cleaning the oven is about to take Lily to a fantasy land - just not your average fantasy land... this one's a little... greasier.

Best bits:

Lily rocks. She's strong and no-nonsense while still being a relatable hero.

Lily's a normal kid - but one who can rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done. As heroines go, she's pretty great :)

The whole book is fun. There's no two ways about it. I definitely had a grin on my face while reading - just for the whole enjoyable-adventure-ness of it all!

The artwork is fun and bright without seeming condescendingly 'childish' - quite a feat to be honest, artists don't always get the balance right.

And crumb? One of the grease-dwelling fantasy creatures? Weirdly cute!

Not so great bits:

I wasn't a big fan of the gross bits.

Don't get me wrong, kids'll probably love it, because kids are weird gross monsters entertained by gross stuff.

I, being older than 12, could have done without some of the ickier parts that involved grease, vomit, etc.

As we say here in Wales: ych y fi!

Other than that? Not really anything to argue with here.


A strong and relatable heroine, with a fun and light-hearted story. Hess is definitely one to watch out for.

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  1. Haha you're so right, kids can be impressed by the strangest and grossest of things sometimes. But it sounds like that makes it even more appealing to some kids :D

    1. Yeahhhh... I can def. see the gross stuff being a selling point to some kids! :)

  2. Aww, this sounds cute and YAY for strong relatable and likeable heroines! Lily honestly sounds epic. XD (And I hear ya with the gross things hahah...kids are gross little things tbh. Ahem.)

    1. Lily is pretty damned cool :) (And yes, kids are much the gross, lol.)

  3. This book sounds so cool and cute! At least you made it seem so.
    This is a Rosarium Publishing graphic novel, isn't it? I recently got a promotional card in some bookmail they sent me for supporting their fundraiser a few months back.
    Anyway, I really do want to read this! Thanks for the funny review.

    1. It was cool & cute! I loved Lily :)

      Yeah, it's Rosarium - I've been uber-impressed with the graphic novels they're coming out with lately. Fresh voices, good artwork, and great quality - couldn't ask for more, really XD

  4. Thank you RDB for the very kind review!I had a lot of fun working on this book. But yeah, I may tone down the grossness just a liiiittle bit next time :}


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