Tuesday 4 October 2016

Mini-Review! (Comics Edition!) - Bread and Butter #1

Title: Bread and Butter #1

Author: Liz Mayorga

Genre: Comics, Contemporary

Series: Bread and Butter

Release Date: 5th October 2016

Amazon: UK - USA


I received a free digital review copy of this comic from the publishers, Rosarium Publishing, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Liana, a young Latina woman living in San Francisco, dreams of making a living as an artist. Instead, she ends up working at a local coffee shop.

Honestly, I was surprised by how much I liked this one - it was uber-readable. 

I think there are a fair few millennials who will empathise with being stuck in the sh*ttiest of jobs, when what they really want to do seems so far in the distance...

Even worse for Liana is the way some people treat her. Working for a low wage, she has to deal with customers she would rather punch in the face (I would too!)

There's also the casual racism - like the creepy guy who asks 'What are you?'

The way Mayorga weaves all this into this 24-page first issue is impressive - and hopefully will continue throughout the series!

The artwork is distinctive... and quite unusual; I'm not sure whether I liked the style or not. 

I think it may've worked better in colour rather than black-and-white, and I found the lack of background in a lot of the panels really odd, but by the end it was starting to grow on me.

Oh, and there's some swearing in there - just letting you know; bloggerly duty and all that!

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  1. I always hesitate to read comics/graphic novels that come in issues. I'm really interested in reading this one but will wait until a full volume is released. I'm sure I'll find it uber-relatable as well!
    And thanks for the heads up about the swearing. :) I like swearing.

    1. I can see why you'd want to read the complete thing instead of an instalment at a time :) often series need the early support which comes from the single issues to ensure interest in the main volume though - so I try to support single issues where I can too :)

      'I like swearing' - you just put the biggest smile on my face ;)


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