Thursday 10 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Something Strange

Film Trailers

A bunch more Doctor Strange trailers/clips for you guys:

I actually saw Doctor Strange on Monday - it was awesome BUT there are two things which CAN'T be ignored:

Tilda Swinton's character is whitewashed. (I love her, but it's true.)

And this film fails Bechdel.

Get your act together Marvel.


And there's a new Wonder Woman trailer:

Looks pretty cool, and clears up that this is supposed to be WW1 not WW2.

(The uniforms still look more WW2 in places guys, I know, but *sighs* anachronisms)


And the trailer for Logan came out last week!

This is the wonderful Hugh Jackman's last film as Wolverine :'O

It looks really awesome, and I always love me an Old Man Logan storyline.

(Oh, and the reason he looks older than Prof X? That's because he is older than Prof X - see X-Men Origins: Wolverine for details ;P )

Single Issues

This week I read Suicide Squad #1 of the 2011-2014 run. (US link)

One thing in particular I liked about this issue? Diablo doesn't speak much English in stressful situations (because why the hell would he?!)

Graphic Novels

This week I reviewed Who Killed Kurt Cobain?: The Story of Boddah by Nicolas Otero (UK - US.)

It's an interesting read, but I did have some issues with it. Check out my review here.

Like this post? Try these:


  1. I'm actually really excited for Wonder Woman!! Especially at this point, a strong female warrior is so appreciated right now.


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