Wednesday 1 February 2017

Micropoetry - January 2017

Ok, January 2017's micropoetry by yours truly.

There's only 3 pieces this month because I've been uber-busy with work, personal stuff, and #DisabilityDiaries2017

20th January
Not shouting the loudest.
Not hating the most.
But loving all you can.
Getting back up.
Facing another day.
That's strength.

25th January
You do not understand
As I take you gently by the hand
& tell you
& try to stop you pushing the knife
further into me than you have

girl walking in the rain

28th January
But my dears,
The rain
Is just the part
Of the sky
That we can touch.
That touches us.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I loveeee the 28th of January one :)

  3. I hope the busy-ness isn't getting you down too much! I especially think the first is relevant with all that has been happening in 2017 so far. Oh, and I really like the last one too. It's so beautiful!


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