Wednesday 8 March 2017

Month in Review(s) - February 2017

February. The shortest of months, and the one with Valentine's Day crammed into the middle there.

book heart image

Which may explain why four of the 5 books I reviewed this month were romances - guess it even got to yours truly! (I'm not going all soft on you though, dearest nerdlets, I'm still your Rebel Valentine! Lol.)

Personally, February was ok... but I've been a little up-and-down depression-wise.

Hoping to improve this month - fingers crossed!

Oh, and I got a drunk hand-written letter from an old friend!

...I don't have many IRL friends, but the ones I do have are fairly interesting people!

heart pic

All that aside, here's the books I reviewed this month!:

New Adult

Santa Muerte book cover


Flashbang book cover
The Morning After book cover The Sexy Librarian book cover Outsider book cover


  1. Oh man, a drunk handwritten letter sound awesome! All I've ever gotten are drunk texts and FB messages. Not nearly as special lol.

    1. It was... impressive... :) I still don't know whether she's engaged or not. XD I wish I could say she was different when I went to school with her... but no, she was always just... her! (Not that I'd change a thing!) :)

  2. Replies
    1. Ha, I'm afraid I can't take credit for that - Pixabay is a life saver!

  3. lol, at least that letter came from the heart! Hope you have a great march, Cee :)

  4. i had a little down-under February too mental health wise...i got into such reading slump it developed into anxiety everytime I thought of my TBR pile hahaha. Hoping for a better march for myself and you too! -Sam. x

    1. Hope you have an awesome March! Thanks for the comment :)

  5. I'm sorry you're having depression troubles. Mine's been a lot better in 2017 (weirdly) but I know how much it can suck. Be kind to yourself. <3

    1. Thank you (And thanks for the lovely comment!) :) <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!