Thursday 3 August 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Everything Is Average Nowadays

comics wrap-up title image

Film Trailers

Marvel has given us a tiny (ha, tiny!) teaser that Ant-Man & Wasp is now in production :)

Single Issues

I've been using single comics issues this week to boost my floundering Goodreads* Challenge, here's the highlights:

*My Goodreads is private - sorry.

Wonder Woman #1 from the current series run sets out Wonder Woman's origins (yeah - again.)

This is part of DC's Rebirth initiative - where they're trying to set some ground rules for what the canon will be moving forward.

They have to do this every so often to stop sh** getting more tangled up that it usually it. It's like wiping the slate clean.

Pow! comics bubble

Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 left me conflicted.

It was funny and random as all hell - so I really enjoyed it. But I couldn't help but feel that there are questions here about mutants that were meant to stand in for other minorities.

And I'm really not sure it was dealt with quite right (questions like, 'why should we help them when they hate us?' and 'why should a mutant be told what to do by a non-mutant?' were answered in a slightly 'minorities should stop being so uppity' kind of way.)

Pow! comics bubble

And Ramayan 3392 AD #1 was actually a re-read for me - and I thought it was even better this time around.

The artwork is beautiful, and it has a really confident tone. It's fantastic.

Other Stuff

Asher Guthertz @ Book Riot explained why he would like to see a Superman musical starring Chance the Rapper.

And that's it for this week! Please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee using the button below.

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeArrBookNerd, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous comics posts:


  1. I didn't know that they were making Antwan and Wasp. My 11 year old son will be happy to hear- he loved Antman!

    1. I haven't actually seen Ant-Man (so many Marvel movies that even I can't keep up with them! Lol.) I love Wasp as a comics character - she rocks! :)


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