Thursday 2 November 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - I Only Plugged In To Save Rock and Roll

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Film Trailers

Here's another Thor: Ragnarok trailer for you my dearest nerdlets!

Because it's already out here in the UK, I can tell you that it's an awesome-sauce film!!!

(But so very random; The Bestie™ turned to me more than once while watching to ask, 'What even IS this film?!' Lol!)

(Warning: flashing images)

Other Stuff

The hilarious folks at Screen Junkies have made an Honest Trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming!

I just love the assessment of Tony Stark as the drunk half-a**ed stepfather-type-figure.

Beware of spoilers!

(Warning: flashing images)

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I love the randomness of some of the promo work the Thor: Ragnarok cast and crew have been up to.

And I think Taika Waititi (director) is one of my new favourite people.

Check out this MTV video of Taika Waititi and Jeff Goldblum playing Would You Rather?

(Warning: adult humour, flashing images)


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And to round things off, here's some awesome graphic novel reviews I've come across this week:

And that's it for this week! Remember to comment and share! :)

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. yay thanks a lot for featuring my review you are the best! and...
    Thor: Ragnarok!!! I CANNOT WAIT CANNOT CANNOT!
    Can't watch the videos with the adult humor here in my office but I'll watch them at home :)

    1. No problem :)

      And I LOVED THOR!!!!! I hope you do too :)

      It's not overly rude, but I have a bunch of teen readers and I don't want anyone's parents yelling at me! XD

  2. For some reason I kept thinking Thor was already out because I heard a lot of people talking about it, but the trailers here kept saying coming soon and I was like: whaaatt??? Lol, but it premiered in the UK first. Now it all makes sense!!

    1. Ha, yeah last week was 1/2 term for most schools - a week holiday in the middle of the school term - so I think they wanted to make sure they got the money while the kids were off school! :)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!