Tuesday 2 January 2018

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2018

Here we go again! My link list of diverse bookish things for 2018.

Just like with the original link list, it'll start small and continue to grow throughout the year.

This year my aim is to get at least one link for EVERY category - so if you can help out, check out the info. below!

The Bookish Diversity Link List title image

So what counts? Well, a variety of stuff, but just as an example:
  • Discussion blogposts
  • Lists of authors
  • Lists of diverse books
  • Goodreads lists
  • Articles about diverse books
  • Interviews with diverse authors and/or about diversity in books

Some stuff that DOESN'T count:
  • Book reviews (although link-ups and lists of reviews are acceptable, this isn't a place for individual reviews)
  • Amazon/Goodreads etc. links to individual books
  • Non-bookish stuff
  • Spam

For more info, see the 2016 list which has more details, or just ask - I don't bite!

I really do need your help guys - this is literally hours of work!

You can submit links via this spreadsheet - no spam, please.

I'm not responsible for 3rd party content, or for the books the links recommend. If there's a problem with any link, just let me know in the comments below

This post is 100% FREE for all, but if you would like to support me, Dora Reads, and the Link List, you can buy me a coffee here.

Previous Link Lists



The Brown Bookshelf - blog devoted to African American kids literature (inc. YA)


Disability in Kidlit - website dedicated to representations of disability (inc. mental illness, learning disabilities, and non-neuro-typical people,) in Young Adult and Middle Grade (kids') books


All Our Worlds - Diverse Fantastic Fiction - a resource for diverse Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative fiction
We Need Diverse Books
We Need Diverse Books (YouTube Channel)


Latinxs in Kid Lit - blog focussed on Latinx rep in YA, MG, and other kids' books


The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books


YA Pride
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books

Native Americans

American Indians in Children's Literature - excellent blog run by Debbie Reese looking at representation of Native Americans, especially in children's books

People of Colour (PoCs)

Rich In Color - website dedicated to YA by or about People of Colour (PoCs) and Indigenous Peoples
Romance Novels in Color - blog about romance novels featuring People of Colour



(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)

Down's Syndrome

Down's Syndrome Awareness - List of children's books from Book Trust


10 Lesser Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books With Disabled Characters - list from Kristen Burns @ Metaphors and Moonlight
Disability Diaries: Recommendations - list from Ely @ Tea and Titles
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books With Disability Masterlist - Awesome resource from Kristen Burns @ Metaphors and Moonlight


Book Recs: Diverse Middle Grade Books - List of kids' books from CW @ Read Think Ponder

Indigenous Peoples

(also see People of Colour (PoC) and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)


100 Indigenous Books - list @ Colorful Book Reviews
Queer Indigenous Literature - list from Goodreads user Tufts LGBT Center

Native American

Winners of 2018 American Indian Library Association's Youth Literature Award! - "Every two years, the American Indian Library Association's Youth Literature Award committee selects books... in three categories: Picture Book, Middle Grade Book, and Young Adult Book"; blogpost by Debbie Reese @ American Indians in Children's Literature

International/World Lit/Geography-categorised

(not including Europe, US, Canada, Aus & NZ)

(also see Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour (PoC))


Asian Speculative Fiction by Asian Authors -- #ownvoices - Goodreads list by user Debbie
Award-nominated Asian SFF writers - Goodreads list of books by user Benjanun
Gaysia - Goodreads list of books with LGBTQ+ Asian protagonists and authors, by user Marshall

Learning Disabilities

(also see Mental Illness/Mental Heath, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-Diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Disabilities)

Down's Syndrome

Down's Syndrome Awareness - List of children's books from Book Trust



Mistlands Launch + Aromantic Representation in Webcomics - list of comics (second half of post) with aromantic representation from YA Pride (formerly The Gay YA)

General and Queer

Gaysia - Goodreads list of books with LGBTQ+ Asian protagonists and authors, by user Marshall
Intersectional Queer Fiction - list of books with Queer rep. which intersects with one or more other marginalisations from Goodreads user Evalangui
LGBT Webcomics - list from The Boy in Pink Earmuffs; some comics contain 18+ content.
Queer Indigenous Literature - list from Goodreads user Tufts LGBT Center

Mental Illness/Mental Health

(also see Disabilities, Non Neuro-typical/Neuro-Diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)


Living In Recovery - list from Goodreads user April Forker ft. fiction and non-fiction which focuses on recovery from mental health problems

Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum

(see also Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Mental Illness/Mental Health)

Autistic Spectrum 

Books by Actually Autistic Authors - books by authors who are on the autistic spectrum from Goodreads user Jane

People of Colour (PoC)

(also see Indigenous Peoples and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)

Asian (ethnicity)

Asian Speculative Fiction -- #ownvoices - Goodreads list by user Debbie
Award-nominated Asian SFF writers - Goodreads list of books by user Benjanun
Gaysia - Goodreads list of books with LGBTQ+ Asian protagonists and authors, by user Marshall


Religious Diversity


MUSLIMS IN YA - list by Zaheerah

Discussion Posts


7 Ways To Support The Diverse Books Movement, According To Experts and Activists - A list/discussion on supporting diversity from Alaina Leary @ Bustle


  1. So excited you’re doing this again, Cee! Thanks for the links and if I find something throughout the year I find interesting, I’ll be sure to add it!

  2. this is awesome I didn't know you had put these lists together! I see you already have Kristen's list here. I'll think about what else you could add. I have the following categories on my blog, would the link to these categories qualify?

    Girl Power
    Mental Health
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Multicultural Interest

    1. They might - if you add the links to the form I can review them; sounds like they would qualify though!

      I first put this together in 2016, with a good helping of inspo. from Naz @ Read Diverse Books, who always seemed to spark over-ambitious passion-projects in me! Lol. Unfortunately, it's a lot more work than it looks! I'm happy to do it though :)

  3. I love this idea!
    Keep up the good work. :)

    Dinh@Arlene's Book Club

    1. Thanks so much! :) And thanks for sharing it too! :)

  4. Hey, Cee! I have a couple of posts which I saw in the last couple of months of last year which I think would be great to add, but I just wanted to ask - is this list just for stuff that was published / updated in 2018, or everything in general?

    Thanks in advance for this, Cee. I understand that it's a lot of work and it's such a helpful thing to be out there.

    1. You can add whatever you want! The only reason I split them into years is so that I can keep them manageable when I'm putting them together!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!