Thursday 12 April 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - Write Our Names in the Wet Concrete

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing flower to her living shadow

Some awesome stuff, some fun stuff, we got it all this week!

Film Trailers

Another awesome li'l Avengers: Infinity War trailer! XD

Dude, I totally want Okoye in charge of International relations for Wakanda!

Also: BUCKY BEAR!!!!!

Warning: flashing images

Other Stuff

This 'How It Should Have Ended' episode from the Justice League is even more random than usual!

Warning: violence, flashing images

Pow! Comics bubble

And to end this week, we have a spoof from Mightyraccoon! of both the Infinity War trailer and the Deadpool 2 trailer, in one video - and I can't help but feel that our red anti-hero approves 😉😈

Warning: swearing, general Deadpool-ness, flashing images.

Do you think Okoye is awesome?! (Hint: Yes) What's the best spoof trailer you've ever seen? Talk to me nerdlets! 😊💬

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Previous comics posts:


  1. It will be nice to have Bucky back! Hope he gets lots of screen time. I still think him and Natasha... *sigh* and yay for lots of Wakanda! Man this movie is going to be so gloriously crowded!

    1. Stucky 4eva ;P I know right! I just hope they don't f**k it up!

  2. I’m curious to how Infinity War will deal with so many main characters? I’m only familiar with the Guardians of the Galaxy Universe so I’m gonna have a lot of new faces lol!

    1. I'm so nervous that they're gonna f**k it up! Argh! Lol XD


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!