Friday 1 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Johnlock Blogging

'(Don’t worry, if you were, which you weren’t. He’s fine; some poor kid found him in a ditch, pretending to be a dead body in the name of science.)'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

You can't be a blogger without being at least a little bit obsessed with blogging.

You can deny it if you like, but it's true.

We all have a serious fascination with the slightly weird processes which combine to make this thoroughly modern medium. (...and that was a weird sentence! *shrugs*)

As such, I've always been slightly disappointed by the lack of blogging in fanfiction.

You'd expect there to be more of it, right? Especially in fandoms like BBC's Sherlock, where John Watson is actually a goddamn blogger in the series!

So this week, when I came across a series where John Watson actually goddamn blogs, I thought I'd give it a read!

The other fics in this series are also quite fun, but so far the first is still my fave of the lot.

'He says that every time he sees this person he really wants to throw a sharp, heavy object at their head but also sit on a bench with them whilst ‘Out of Reach’ by Gabrielle is playing and kiss them quite a lot, so I think he’s probably in love.'

I really envy John's ability in this fic to rack-up 20+ comments in a single night, with no promo, though, what is he Super-Blogger™?

Maybe I just need snarky friends speculating about my sex life in the comments section... urm, then again, maybe not! 😅

John Watson telling Sherlock 'You're a drama queen!'
Via Giphy

This is also Johnlock - John and Sherlock having a romantic and/or sexual relationship - and I like the angle we come at the relationship from here.

Basically, John is asking for advice for his... um... 'friend' who is finding himself attracted to his best friend.

The slightly desperate questions about whether this is OK show a questioning that a lot of LGBTQ+ folks go through, not just of their sexuality and/or gender, but of whether it's 'right' or 'ok' (Hint: it is.)

So, this week's fic is:

Do you know of any good fics featuring blogging? Do you have any blogging secrets to rival John Watson's apparent deal with the devil? Talk to me! 😄💬

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Related reading:


  1. I see a lot of YA novels that deal with blogging, stuff like Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, and I always leave them feeling like I related so hard lol! But I have never seen a fic! That’s very cool :)

    1. In the Love, Simon film I was like, 'what they can just blog to this site with no password?! why aren't they drowning in spam?!' lol. I haven't read Fangirl (though I have read Carry On! Lol.)

      I would expect to be a much bigger theme in fanfiction than it is..? Like, where are all the blogging fics?!


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