Sunday 12 March 2023

Nerd Church - Sometimes, This Is OK

I don't know what I'm writing but I hope it'll turn out OK. 

I'm literally just typing things and hoping it turns into a blogpost at this point.

Wish me luck.

Title: Sometimes, This Is OK

Thoughts are hard to form, sometimes. 

Let alone trying to write something insightful, pithy, witty, or just plain worth it.

Sometimes I put way too much pressure on myself and on this blog. 

Not everything I write has to have some deep meaning behind it.

(I know - you wouldn't think it for by reading some of my posts on such heavy-weight topics as fanfiction and weird superhero videos I found on the Interwebs. 😅 )

Not everything has to have a particular 'thing' that gives it 'value.'

I mean... I like giving value to people. 

I'm not one to waste words just for the sake of it. 

And I wouldn't say something without meaning it - unless it's fiction, or whatever, but you know what I mean! Lol.

But sometimes it's OK for a blogpost to just... be a reflection, I guess, of my life right now.

And my life right now is tired, and stressful, and a little brain-foggy at times. 

My life right now is trying to cope with a shi**y situation, and care for someone I love, while not neglecting my own self-care and mental health.

And that's OK.

I'm trying my best to not put pressure on myself and not over-work like I tend to do when things aren't going great in my life.

So... wish me luck.

I hope this short, non-valuable blogpost was OK 😅 

Do you ever put too much pressure on your blogging? Or on other aspects of your life?

Talk to me 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. I definitely think this type of self-reflection is valuable, Cee! I think I struggle too with balancing
    "thought provoking" discussion posts with reviews. But hey, whatever works and whatever keeps you going amidst the chaos is useful.

  2. "My life right now is trying to cope with a shi**y situation, and care for someone I love, while not neglecting my own self-care and mental health."
    I totally relate...and that's one of the reasons why posts like this ARE valuable - they ease a little of the pressure we put on ourselves (or, well, the world does 😖) while making the readers realise that they're not alone...and the author too.


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!