Thursday 1 June 2023

Comics Wrap-Up - Aesthetic Hang-Ups

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, somehow it's June, let's get some of that awesome superhero-y comics-y goodness!

The Nimona Teaser Is Here!

Honestly, I haven't read Nimona, and have only the vaguest idea of it. 

But I do know that the graphic novel/webcomic series by N D Stevenson is loved by a whole lot of people...

...and that the animation has been in production hell for a long time because Disney got squirmy about the LGBTQ+ content (*sigh*).

So, let's skip to the fairytale ending: Netflix picked it up, and it will be streaming from June 30th! 

It looks pretty cool, though I'm not 100% a fan of the animation style, so I haven't decided whether to watch it or not.

That's a personal thing, I'm a fussy little so-and-so when it comes to animation styles 😅, that's why I'm yet to see the Miles Morales Spider-Verse movies - the stories, characters, etc., look totally my thing, but... that animation style puts me off. Every time.

Still, for people who don't have animation-related aesthetic hang-ups, this looks pretty damn awesome!

Warning: mild flashing images, general violence

Heroes Supporting Heroes

Over at Book Riot, Eileen Gonzalez wrote a really awesome piece about 'That Time Iron Man Was Captain Marvel's AA Sponsor' (Content Warning for the obvious issues attached to that.)

Honestly, I love it.

Shameless Self-Promo Time!

A reminder that if you like the stuff I write, you can help support me by buying me a coffee here 😊

Are you looking forward to Nimona?

Do you have weird hang-ups when it comes to animation? (Lol.)

Talk to me! 😇💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Remember to share and comment dearest nerdlets! 😊

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  1. *fangirl screaming* I LOVE Nimona. I can't wait for this series! If you do get a chance, Cee, pls read it! Though I know the feeling of having a tbr as long as an ocean lol.

    1. It's actually a one-off Netflix movie, rather than a series - but I hope you love it! :)

      Lol, RIP my TBR X_X ;)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!