Friday 26 July 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Spider-Man and the Winter Soldier (...And Some Nuance)


'However, Peter has been called a lot of awful names in the last week for jumping to conclusions – how was he supposed to know that that one mugging was actually Shakespeare in the Park?'


Title: F3. Background: kaleidocscopic patterns

This is a quirky and sweet Spider-Man meets Winter Soldier fic.

(MCU - Marvel movies etc., in case you somehow didn't get the clue from 'Spider-Man.')

At first I did wonder whether I'd even enjoy it, but it definitely grew on me.

I love that this is early in Peter's superhero-ing 

- before he met Tony Stark, back when he was basically a kid in modified PJs trying to figure out how to do this.

And I love that this is early in Bucky's post-Hydra-ing. 

He barely remembers how to speak English, and I love the way he's gathering little pieces of himself, bit by bit - trying to be him again.

Bucky Barnes saying 'Hi!'
Via Giphy

...And then the idea that they come across each other on the streets of New York and strike up a sort-of friendship?

Is so wholesome and wonderful, honestly.

It's not perfect, though - nothing is, after all.

So, there's some casual Ableism very early on, when Peter's trying to figure if Bucky's gonna 'go psycho' on him, or is on drugs.

...It's mostly borderline-Ableism, because whether the weird-acting stranger is a potential danger is a legitimate concern for anyone, especially a kid out in the city on their own - superhero or not. 

But the framing is *pokes with foot* - not fantastic.

I was debating whether or not to mention it because it's the kind of stuff which, sadly, is pretty everyday.

Plus I try to give fic authors more grace anyway because they're not professionals, and they don't have the editors and sensitivity readers etc. that more traditionally published people have access to.

But the 'go psycho' terminology, and my penchant for giving you all available info when rec'ing things, tipped the scales.

Mostly, though, the fic is wholesome af.

It's cute and quirky, and if you're a Marvel fan who can get past the casual Ableism hiccups, it's well worth the read.

And honestly it dealt with Bucky's memory issues and general trauma with an insightful level of care, compassion, and practicality.

Which probably sounds weird given what I just said about the casual Ableism but... I may have accidentally tried to introduce nuance to the internet. Again. Pray for me. 😅

Some Content Warnings, then, for this one:

- general crime and violence

- some Ableism (as discussed)

- memory issues

- general trauma

- refs to murder and torture

- refs to loss of autonomy

...I think that's everything, but as always be careful dearest nerdlets!

This week's fic, then, is:

the streets I used to know by Antarctica_or_bust

Friday Fics Fix is going on break in August, and will be back on 6th September 2024

Do you think there's room for nuance in fanfiction and/or on the internet? 😅

Are you interested in a Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes friendship?

Talk to me! 😘💬

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