Sunday 6 October 2024

Nerd Church - I’d Love To Have A Cat’s Self-Confidence


Originally published on Medium

This started with a prompt, and then meandered far, far, away from the original idea… 😅

Prompt set by Dr. Casey Lawrence on Medium:

“ The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are stronger at the broken places.”

— Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms: Library Edition [x]

Title: I'd Love To Have A Cat's Self-Confidence. Image: silver fluffy cat wearing a cool pair of sunglasses

I keep thinking I’m broken.

One way or another, my warranty doesn’t quite seem to cover this life I’m in. I’ve been mis-sold — not fit for purpose.


Funny thing that only humans get hung up on.

Bees and birds and trees and cats know that their purpose is to simply be bees and birds and trees and cats, to do what bees and birds and trees and cats do.

…Which in the case of cats, at least, is whatever they damn well please.

Orange and white kitty-cat having head scritches
Via Giphy

I’ve often wished I was a cat — I’d love to have that level of self-confidence, wouldn’t you?

Russian Blue kitty cat climbing into a glass bowl in perfect demonstration of 'if I fits I sits'
Via Giphy

As far as they’re concerned, everything in the world was put there solely for their use and enjoyment — must be a nice way to live.

Well - would you love to have a cat's self-confidence?
Talk to me! 😸💬

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