Sunday 28 August 2016

Nerd Church - Being Yourself and Other Extreme Sports

How do I even begin?

To Thine Own Self Be True butterfly poster image

Once there was a girl who just wanted to be herself. Problem was, she didn't really know who that was.

Sometimes she liked boys. Sometimes she liked girls. Sometimes she liked both. And sometimes she didn't really have any desire at all.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Review Time! - The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon

Title: The Bone Sparrow

Author: Zana Fraillon

Genre: Kids, Contemporary, Magic Realism

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

This book looked interesting and a little unusual - so I was like 'ooh! shiny!'

And you know what? Wow.


Subhi was born in a refugee camp in Australia. He still lives there, with his mother and his sister.

Sometimes, the Night Sea brings Subhi gifts.

One day, it brings him a girl. A girl with a bone sparrow charm around her neck. A girl who can come and go as she pleases - an Outside girl.

Best bits:

I knew very, very little about the Rohingya before reading this book - I was aware that there were refugees from Burma/Myanmar in Australia, but that was about it.

While we're not given much background on the Rohingya here, other than that they're persecuted, the highlighting of their plight can only be a good thing.

Subhi is the crowning glory of this book. He is sweet, relatable, believable, and strong. He is incredible.

I also loved the way stories, memories, and the power of words, were treated in this book.

Subhi and Jimmie (the 'Outside' Australian girl,) bond over stories and a feeling that they can't create sense in the strange world that they live in.

So they create their own corner of calm, where stories seem more real than reality.

I liked that this book didn't shy away from that reality though - the poor conditions the Rohingya are living in, the way they both long for home and fear it, the feeling of hopelessness that pervades in the camp, turning slowly into anger...

I think it's important that books are bold enough to show the roughness of reality, while maintaining the hope and the heart that are shown here.

Not so great bits:

While I liked the story of Jimmie's persecuted Eastern European ancestors, I felt like it was a little unnecessary, and perhaps a tad constructed.

Do we really need to equate the Rohingya's suffering with that of persecuted white people in order to empathise? Perhaps so. But, if that's the case, we need to take a long hard look at what we're doing in this life.

I would've preferred the story of Subhi's mother - travelling with a small child and another on the way, not sure what was waiting ahead, but hoping that life would be better. Or the tale of Subhi's father, someone Subhi has never met, but hopes to meet one day.

I just feel like those stories would've felt more valid here.

The ending felt like it wasn't... well, ended enough.

There wasn't enough resolution of the various threads - at least, not for me, though I grant you that that's a personal thing.

I was also surprised - given that this is a kids' book - that the odd mild swear word sneaked in there. I don't have a problem with it - and it was perfectly acceptable in context, but I can see there being issues for some parents.

There's also some violence, mentions of 'suicide watch' etc. Again, totally understandable in context, but will be an issue for some.


This is a great book. A very human book about a little boy, and the stories he makes to make the world around him make more sense.

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Friday 26 August 2016

Friday Fics Fix - 'Normal' is Overrated

I always love it when fanfiction looks at life from different angles (although, granted, those angles can sometimes be... unique.)

But yeah - fanfiction that shows us the world from a new perspective? Bring it on!

As you may or may not know my dear nerdlets, it's a popular interpretation/fan theory/headcanon that Sherlock (from BBC's Sherlock, oddly enough,) is on the autistic spectrum.

(Fangirling note:

Headcanon (variations - headcannon, head canon, head cannon, etc.) is something which you like the idea of so much that you give it equal weight to the canon (official) storylines and characterisations of the fandom.

When taking on another's headcanon as your own, the correct phrase of ritual-style thanks is 'Headcanon accepted' - often accompanied by emojis or exclamation points.)

The fic that I have for you this week gives as a snapshot of one of those moments in which Sherlock can't ignore the realities of life on the autistic spectrum - as written by someone who is also on the spectrum.

It's well written, very interesting, and fairly damned sweet :)

It's also quite short - so a nice quick read. :)

So, this week's fic, my dearest nerdlets, is:

Overwhelmed by sherlocksavant (thecaffeinatedaspie)

Enjoy my nerdlets!

Also, I found 'clean' fanfiction!!!!! Woooooo!!!!!!! There is hope in this world! XD

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Thursday 25 August 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - And She Thinks She's Made Of Candy

Graphic Novels

This week I reviewed cotton-candy sweet Disney Kilala Princess, Vol 1 (UK - USA ).

This is a re-release of an old, very popular, series from Tokyopop (for whose resurrection we are all very thankful,) and is uber-cute!

You can read my review here.

Single Issues

I've just finished reading Sun Dragon's Song #1 by Joyce Chng and Kim Miranda - I'll be writing a mini-review of this beautifully-illustrated comic soon :)

(Why a mini-review and not a big, grown-up, full-blown, review? Because it's 24 pages long - a mini-review will be enough, methinks!)

Other Stuff

This week I reviewed the non-fiction book Last Night, A Superhero Saved My Life by Liesa Mignona (Ed.) (UK - USA).

This is a fantastic and beautiful book - not just about superheroes, but about the people who use them for hope, inspiration, and strength.


Panels - one of the best Comics-devoted blogs/websites out there - is closing. Instead there will be a comics section to their sister site, Book Riot.

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Wednesday 24 August 2016

Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - Disney Kilala Princess Vol 1

Title: Disney Kilala Princess Vol 1

Author: Rika Tanaka

Contributors: Nao Kodaka

Genre: Graphic Novels, Manga, YA, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Media Tie-In

Series: Disney Kilala Princess

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

This is a re-release of one of Tokyopop's most popular titles.

Seeing as how Tokyopop are back, back, back! and working very closely with Disney, they're doing another release of the series, which was first given unto the world (sorry, I'm in a really weird mood,) circa 2007.

It's still as cute today ;)

This is a manga volume, and reads right to left, in traditional manga style.


Kilala is living in admiration of her favourite Disney princesses. Little does she know that they're about to help her save the day!

Best bits:

This book is so sweet and cute and kawaii that I'm going to get a cavity from all the sugar! At the same time, it's not sickeningly-sweet (which takes some skill!)

There are bits of what can only be described as swashbuckling action, and Kilala is a relatable heroine with a pet mouse. I defy you to resist the sweetness!

I actually quite liked the romantical-aspects, true it verged on insta-love, but managed to juuuuust dodge the most annoying parts of that trope (plus, we're dealing with Disney princesses - insta-love is going to happen. Deal with it.)

I also liked the way Snow White (our princess for this volume,) was a part of the story without dominating it - this is Kilala's story, not Snow's.

But neither do the Disney elements feel forced - they're woven in very well, particularly when you consider the balance of the manga style with the more traditionally 'Western' style of Disney princesses, which this volume totally pulls off :)

Not so great bits:

Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once (let me know if you got that reference, I will love you forever,) -


Also, if you're looking for something deep and intellectual? Yeah... this isn't the book for that.

Don't get me wrong, it's sweet, it just has the net substance of cotton candy (hence the cavities.)


A fun and sweet manga that any fan of princesses will love, but which is perhaps a little heavy on the gender stereotyping in places.

Still, it's an enjoyable read. :)

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Tuesday 23 August 2016

A Rough Guide To Supporting Authors When You're Broke

There's a lot of great books out there. So many, in fact, that you could easily splash the cash on numerous volumes of lovely paperbacks, hardcovers, and e-books... if you actually had the cash.

If, like me, you don't have that much money and have already sold your soul several times over (whoever collects first gets the prize! My bet is on Goodreads - I think I owe them about 3 souls,) then you can still support authors and the wider publishing/bookish industry my nerdlets!

...You just have to be a bit more inventive about it.

Firstly, there is nothing better for books than a good ol' fashioned library.

Sit down and let me explain how libraries help not hurt the publishing industry:

  • Libraries actually have to buy the books they lend out (true story,) which means if an author proves popular (i.e. is borrowed a lot,) then the library is more likely to buy copies of that author's books in the future.

  • You can 'try before you buy' - some books I just wouldn't've bought if I didn't already know that I like the book/author because I've borrowed their work from the library.

  • Libraries are free marketing! - nothing works better than word of mouth, and covers on display. Never underestimate the power of copies on shelves - books can reach a wider and wider audience if there are people actually reading them.

  • Libraries make readers happen - get that child in there asap!

That's all well and good, but how else can we support authors when we're broke?

Let me tell you some things that can help, my nerdlets, listen...

  • You can yell at your friends and family to READ THE BOOK.

  • You can ask friends and family for the book for birthdays, Christmases, or as ransom payment other occasions.

  • You can follow your favouritest authors on social media/RT, like, re-blog, share, and generally spread the word about the author and their work.

  • You can write reviews on your own blog, Amazon, Goodreads, or wherever, and promote your review on social media. Talking about books is awesome, and does half the work. The more people are interested, the more people will buy books.

  • You can add the book to your TBR, or your 'read' list, on Goodreads - this means your friends on there will see that you've added it, and might check it out themselves.

When you do have money (*laughs hysterically at the thought of having spare cash*) think about what book you're actually going to buy.

Will that £5.00 for a back-list title mean more, to a smaller publisher, than the £15.00 price tag of the new bestseller does, to a bigger one? (Obviously, substitute your own currency where necessary.)

That doesn't mean you can't buy your favourites, it just means that it's good to think every now and then about where your money is going.

If you can borrow the bestseller from the library, but can only find the smaller title in an online store, then you have the chance to do the option that supports more books and saves you money on top.

This is especially important when supporting diverse books and authors, and supporting independent authors and publishers.

Money talks in this world my friends (sigh) so use your purchasing power wisely.

J. K. Rowling's new book is always going to sell millions of copies - if you want her new book (man, I want Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!) then ask for it for your birthday.

A debut novelist at a small or niche publisher? Far less likely to sell. So every copy counts. Buy that copy while you have the cash in hand.

But don't let people make you feel bad for not supporting the industry enough. You know how much you can afford - they don't.

If it wasn't for review copies, library books, and second-hand stores, I honestly don't think I'd be able to draw attention to so many books, and help other readers find the books they'll enjoy.

I don't blog for the books (I didn't even know there were review copies when I started - little naïve creature that I was,) but I'm firmly of the opinion that if publishers want the publicity that bloggers can bring, then they need to understand that we can't afford to buy every book vying for our attention.

But even if you're not a blogger, you can do your part.

I'm not asking for much - in fact, if you want to get your paws on all those books, I've probably just saved you some cash.

Just think about how you spend your money, and if you find a good book, don't be afraid to talk about it! (But if you don't want to, then meh - do your own thing!)

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Monday 22 August 2016

The Harry Potter Tag

I was tagged by the lovely (and Harry Potter mad!) Emily @ The Paperback Princess.

Right, here we go then:

Flagrate - Writing Charm 

A book you found the theme interesting but you'd like to rewrite:

Urm... let's see... ooh! I know!

I'm going to go with These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly (UK - US), just because in places I found the prose slow and restrictive (which, in fairness, reflected the character's situation very well, but made for slow reading.)

(You can read my review of These Shallow Graves here.)

Alohomora - Unlocking Charm 

A series where the first book made you hooked:

For this one, I'm going to say The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket (UK - US) because it started a love affair with A Series of Fortunate Events that had me buying the new one whenever it came out :)

I loved these books as a kid (and still do!)

Accio - Summoning Charm

A book you wish you could have right now:

The Fireman by Joe Hill (UK - US) - dudes I need this book! I had a preview and it's so so so so so so GOOD!

I need to read the rest of it; I'm a Joe Hill junkie and I need my fix dammit!

Avada Kedavra - Killing Curse 

A killer book:

I'm not sure what's meant by 'killer' here, so I'm going with a book that killed me with feels:

Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult (UK - US) has so many the feels! It's like 'NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW, THAT'S ENOUGH! STOP IT!'

...or something like that, anyway ;)

(You can read my review of Salem Falls here.)

Confundo - Confusing Charm 

A book that you find very confusing:

Golem by Lorenzo Ceccotti (LRNZ) (UK - US) - an exceptionally beautiful graphic novel... but I still have no freaking idea what was going on.

(You can read my review of Golem here.)

Expecto Patronum - Patronus Charm 

Your animal sigil* book:

*The original wording for this category was 'your spirit animal book.' But I'm aware that many Native Americans find the use of the phrase by non-native-peoples offensive.

Doubtless, I've used this phrase before myself, as I wasn't aware it was problematic, and if I find any instances where I have used it, I'm going to remove them. I just feel like I don't know enough about the culture to use this phrase correctly, so I'm not going to use it at all.

In terms of this tag-category, I'm going to interpret the 'patronus charm' as a personal sigil or emblem (or, in this case, a book) which symbolises an aspect of the bearer.

Righty-o, I'm gonna throw you lot a curveball here (Bookish Rebel and all that) and go with Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba's Umbrella Academy series of graphic novels (Vol 1: UK - US)... because it's just me all over.

There's a girl who's part-violin. The mental hospital is called Shinyview. There are vampires in the Vietnam war in the second volume (Vol 2: UK - US.)

As The Bestie assured me: 'Gerard Way is officially in your head!' (You can always count on your Bestie to believe in the catastrophic levels of your randomness.)

Sectumsempra - Dark Charm 

A dark, twisted book:

Right... I read a lot of dark and twisted books. (I'm kind of a goth at heart. (Yes, a goth-punk nerdgirl, it happens dammit!))

So... which one to pick...

Right! I'm going to go with The Crow by James O'Barr (UK - US.)

The Crow is a darkly beautiful book. It's blood and pain and love in book form. It takes the darkness and makes it somehow awfully beautiful, and beautifully awful.

I met James O'Barr at a Con a few years ago.

It's one of the best moments of my life, in honesty. He's a very dark person - but a very beautiful one, all the same. And I have a pic with him, me, and The Bestie, which is one of my most prized possessions.

Aparecium - Revealing Charm 

A book that surprised you in a good way:

Straight James/Gay James by James Franco (UK - US) - somehow, James Franco, that uber-skilled filmmaking human bean, can also write AMAZING POETRY.

I mean, how is that even possible?!?!?!

(You can check out my review of Straight James/Gay James here.)

I'm not going to tag anyone - do it if you want to!

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