Friday 22 December 2017

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Micropoetry - November 2017

Yes, I know, I know, November seems like a distant memory by this point.

I was busy, ok? (Like, reeeeeeallly busy!) So I haven't had chance to finish up this post 'til now.

But that's ok - the poetry's still the same! XD

Here it is, hope you like it:

Sunday 17 December 2017

Nerd Church - How To Not Be a Jerk To Non-Drinking Guests

It's December - and nearly Christmas. 

drink glass pic

This is the time of year that's traditionally filled with party-goers, many of whom will be drinking. But not all.

As a member of the non-drinking group for the last several years, I can tell you that these reactions are fairly typical:

  • "But... WHY?!"
  • *Stares at me for at least a minute without blinking*
  • "I could NEVER do that!"
  • "Oh come on, have some fun!"
  • "Are you SURE?"
  • "Are you like *takes step backwards* religious or something?"

Friday 15 December 2017

Friday Fics Fix - Festive F/F!

I actually really liked this week's fic (well... obviously... since I'm recommending it... but you know what I mean!)

Fics Fix title image

Sometimes a fic comes along at just the right moment - I mean, who doesn't need something short, sweet, and warming right now?!

Sunday 10 December 2017

Nerd Church - 10 Self-Care Reminders For When You're Extra-Busy, or Working Extra-Hard

Yep, this is both a self-care exercise and a blogpost. THAT is multitasking 😎

So sometimes, when we're busy, we forget to take care of ourselves - especially mental-health-wise. I'm officially the world's worst for this - I overwork A LOT.
face-plant the desk pic

So, here's a few things I have to remind myself of - and I hope they help you too!

Friday 8 December 2017

Friday Fics Fix - Sleepy Stucky

OK, I know it was Stucky last week, but this is my blog dammit!

fics fix title image

Plus I'm currently typing this in the spare quarter of an hour or so that I have free today, while playing my 'getting sh** done' playlist, which contains copious amounts of rock and heavy metal

(Because if anything can get me through this week, it's Avenged Sevenfold and Stone Sour! Lol, I'm so busy and so freaking tired! *laughs slightly hysterically*)