Friday 11 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Just Your Resident Mildly Evil Demigod... and His Lover

'Tony wasn’t sure who’d be unhappier: the team when they found out he was sleeping with their resident mildly evil demigod, or Loki when he found out that Tony would be late for their dinner date on account of being buried alive.'

Yes, that is a quote from this week's fic. Yes, it is awesome.

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

In my defence, I haven't rec'd FrostIron in ages! I've held myself back for a remarkably long time 😉

Thursday 10 May 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - We Really Are Ants Now

comics wrap-up title image with woman handing a flower to her child-like shadow

I saw Avengers: Infinity War! I'm hoping to post a discussion-type-thing/random fangirlish thoughts next week - assuming I can keep a schedule for once! 😉

'Til then, let's see what I've got for ya this week:

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Month in Review(s) - April 2018

April... ha, so, what's May lookin' like? 😅

Girl in red coat holding black umbrella with the word 'April' written in the corner

April happened. I lived through it *starts singing I'm still standing by Elton John and doing an incredibly embarrassing dance.*

My grandmother is still in hospital - she went in at the beginning of March - but she's definitely improving. We're basically waiting for a social care package in place so that she can go home, because there's no way my 88-year-old grandfather can take care of her.

And on the last day of April my laptop - which had been hanging on on a wing and a prayer, granted - gave up the ghost.

On the plus side, I reached over 3k Twitter followers in April! I love you guys, really! XD

Sunday 6 May 2018

Nerd Church - Viral Reading

Are you ready to be a Bookish Rebel? Cos we're gonna shake sh** up today! 😉

girl reading as dragons, light, smoke, etc. emerges from the book

I love my blogging friends - but you weren't originally who I was aiming my brain babbling at (But I still love you!!!! Never leave me!!!! *tugs at your sleeves to stop you going*)

No, when this blog started, it's half-formed, characteristically-vague, ideal was to spread reading like a positive plague across the globe - I wanted, and still want, to make READING go viral.

Friday 4 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - The Sense of Things

I found a fic which has synaesthesia in it dammit!!!!

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

For those of you who don't know, synaesthesia is: a) a melding or running together of two senses, and b) something that I have.

Monday 30 April 2018

Technical Difficulties - Life/Blogging Update

Hi my nerdlets! This is an impromptu post to let you know that my laptop's broken.

I'm going to be honest, this isn't a surprise. I've literally been sticking it back together with sellotape and model glue for a while now.

What it does mean, though, is that my blogging is going to be limited for a little while until I can get a new one.

At the moment, I have what time I can get on the family desktop, and my mobile phone.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Nerd Church - Please, Shut Up About the Royals

I'm British. But I don't care about the royal family. I don't care about the royal baby. I don't care about Harry marrying Meghan.

vintage Alice in Wonderland illustrations with King, Queen, and Knave

What I do care about is that I keep having to hear about them all.

Social and mainstream media are both fawning over all things royal and... *sighs* I don't mind like one news-in-brief report or whatever guys, but everyone seems to have freaking lost it, tbh.