Tuesday 8 May 2018

Month in Review(s) - April 2018

April... ha, so, what's May lookin' like? 😅

Girl in red coat holding black umbrella with the word 'April' written in the corner

April happened. I lived through it *starts singing I'm still standing by Elton John and doing an incredibly embarrassing dance.*

My grandmother is still in hospital - she went in at the beginning of March - but she's definitely improving. We're basically waiting for a social care package in place so that she can go home, because there's no way my 88-year-old grandfather can take care of her.

And on the last day of April my laptop - which had been hanging on on a wing and a prayer, granted - gave up the ghost.

On the plus side, I reached over 3k Twitter followers in April! I love you guys, really! XD

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So let's check out some more fun April stuff:

Mildly Amusing Searches

toxic friendships 2018

Toxic friendships are no laughing matter. And I wrote about my own recently.

What gets me here, though, is the '2018'... like - is there a time limit for your interest in this subject...? Do you feel there's a best before date here...?

Regardless, I hope you're OK, anonymous nerdlet! *hugs*


I'm sure I've linked to The Lesbrary more than once... but I'm not them...?

They are a very talented group of ladies, and anyone with an interest in Sapphic (women loving women) books should really check 'em out - but I ain't them!

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April's Top 5 Most Popular Blogposts

#1 - Friday Fics Fix - Overloaded

#2 - Nerd Church - Pressure, Obligations, and 'Good Enough'

#3 - Review Time! - The Art of Hiding by Amanda Prowse

#4 - Nerd Church - Toxic Friendships, and Reclaiming Enthusiasm

#5 - Nerd Church - 4 Rules For World Leaders on Twitter

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Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

I Was Just The Only Child of the Universe - Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2 & more

Write Our Names In the Wet Concrete - Avengers: Infinity War, Justice League HISHE & more

Lives Become Incredible Now - The Incredibles 2, Avengers: Infinity War, Winter Soldier memes, & more

Friday Fics Fix

Greek Chorus - The Song of Achilles fanfiction imagining Patroclus and Achilles reincarnated

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far, Away - Star Wars fanfiction featuring the original trio

Show Your Scars - Dr Who - David Tennant version - dealing with self-harm and depression

Severely Severus - Severus Snape, and hard work

Nerd Church

Disconnected - Why, for the love of God, would you spend an entire concert on your phone?!

Please, Shut Up About the Royals - 'cos t'be honest, I don't give a sh**

Other Non-Review Posts

The Play's The Thing! - Watching plays should totally count for the Goodreads Challenge

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Book Reviews


So that was my April, how was yours? 💬😀

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page


  1. haha it is amusing! I have to learn how to find those terms see what people are searching when they find me lol I'm just so terrible analyzing my blog :( wow you have been one busy bookworm! Hope May is as good! now off to see what I miss!

    1. I'm not sure how to get to the stats on a wordpress account, or I'd let you know. I think you can sign up for Google Search Console anyway? Don't know.

      Thanks - I hope you have a good May too! XD

  2. I’m sorry April had it’s downs for you, Cee! Hopefully warmer weather will cheer us all up, as April over here brought a terrible ice storm and multiple power outages. Best wishes for a happy May!

    1. May has pretty much been every temperature you can imagine so far here! I've literally seen shops selling bikinis alongside woolly jumpers - I think they've given in to the fact that the weather can be anything at any time of year now!

      Have a great May Em! :)

  3. I hope your grandma feels better soon. Congrats on the Twitter followers. Happy May!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. She's doing a lot better, thank you! We're just trying, desperately, to get some social care in place so that she can come home.

      Thanks! I was so happy when I hit 3k! XD <3

      Have an awesome May! <3

  4. Sometimes life is just more important than blogging. I'm happy to hear your grandmother is starting to do better. Know your blogger friends are all here to support you however we can!

  5. I hope that May is a better month for you and that your grandmother is able to go home. Congrats on the Twitter followers!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thank you so much! And I hope so too - hospital really isn't the best place for her anymore. <3

  6. Absolutely agree that watching plays should count for the Goodreads challenge! I include audiobook plays I listen to

    1. Yes! I'm totally counting plays I watch from now on!!! XD

  7. I hope your grandmother is feeling better. I saw on twitter about your laptop. I hope May treats you far better.

    1. She's doing better, thank you. She really wants to be back home now though, and we need to get the support from social services in order for her to do that - and the area she lives in has a *lot* of demands on social services' time, so it's going frustratingly slow!

      Argh, the laptop was totally the last thing I needed! I have a new one now though. :)

      Thank you - I hope your May is awesome! <3

  8. Sorry to hear that your grandmother is still in the hospital. I hope she can come home very soon. Too bad about your laptop. Have a great May!

    1. We hope so too! We need someone to make sure that she has her tablets every day, and we're having trouble getting social services to agree to that.

      Technology! Lol.

      Thanks, you too! XD <3

  9. I hope your grandma is doing better now. But it's great about the Twitter followers :) now you have more than me :D for some reason, I had huge growth between like 1800-2100 (it just grew in... days!) but then it sort of froze. Social media can be weird :D I must have been tweeting a lot? I'm not sure.

    As for weird searches, I was pretty weirded out to find out that my website ranks quite high on topics about They Both Die at the End, AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALLY LIKE THAT BOOK xD what? Why?? xDD I guess you can never really foresee these things..?

    1. She is, thanks, we're just trying to get things in place for her to come home.

      Thank you! I have been making an effort lately to follow people who might be interested in my stuff - if they don't followback and I don't find them interesting in any other way, then I unfollow as long as I followed them over a week before I unfollowed. If that makes any sense at all! Lol.

      Ha, maybe they're hate-reads ;) <3

  10. I'm so glad your grandmother is doing better! Hopefully she'll be back with y'all soon and on the mend. <3

    1. Hopefully. Getting her home is proving a lot more of a challenge than it should be! Thanks <3

  11. Oh no, sorry about your laptop! But glad to hear your grandmother is improving :-) Also sorry I'm a bit late to comment.

    1. Yeah, I have a new one which I borrowed money off my parents to buy - I'm self-employed and use it for work as well as personal, so I kinda needed it!

      She's a bit up-and-down unfortunately. And social services are a nightmare. But we'll get there... somehow!

      And no problem! *shrugs* XD <3

  12. Sorry to hear about your grandmother and your laptop dying, sometimes everything seems to happen at once. I haven't heard of The Lesbrary before, but it sounds like they would be great for recs. Hope May is treating you well.

    1. Ha, my life is pretty much like that! Lol. The Lesbrary are awesome - be sure to check 'em out! XD


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!