Thursday 21 June 2018

Wednesday 20 June 2018


If you have a Friday Fics Fix on your feed readers (or whatever you're using,) ignore it.

Damn thing published itself while I was writing a draft! Argh!

(I literally mean it published itself. I was effing typing at the time! Argh, my luck!)

4 Fangirling-Worthy Webcomics With Central F/F Romance (That Are Also Available In Print!)

Ladies who love ladies are amazing.

So, as it's Pride Month, and I'm a Queer lady who loves the nerdy things in life, I think it's time we celebrate some central F/F relationships, don't you?

F/F Webcomics title image with lipstick/lips background, and two interlocked venus/feminine symbols in the corner

This short list of comics features romantic relationships ranging from the sexy to the innocent, and ladies who have their own unique personalities and situations.

Available to read online (for free!) or in printed form, let these ladies bring a little love to your lives!

Sunday 17 June 2018

Nerd Church - Embrace Procrastination (Ft. #Science)

I'm procrastinating right now.

There are about five different things that I need to do at the moment. And I'm not doing any of them.

Instead of sorting out various work stuff, or writing the Friday Fics Fix post that I (hopefully) posted last Friday, I'm writing this.

woman biting pencil while looking at laptop on desk

Friday 15 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Coming Out Aro

'This was the perfect opportunity to come out. These were the people who deserved to know, if anyone did... But what if? Part of him whispered. What if they don’t accept you? What if everything goes wrong?' 

fics fix title image w/ purple background and white lightning bolt

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Micropoetry - May 2018

It seems we still have some May stuff to finish off my darling nerdlets!

So, I have some more Micropoetry for you! Like last month, I've made up some graphic-y image-y things for two of them.

No promises for the future - this is totally a 'when I feel like it/when I have time' thing, but I hope you like the graphics anyway!

If you're using a screen reader, the poems with graphics have the poetry itself as the alt text, with / marks showing the line breaks.