Sunday 21 November 2021

Nerd Church - I Want The Books To Be OK


'I Want the Books To Be OK' with a background of books on shelves >

When I'm tired, my brain sometimes throws out  random phrases. 

Straight-forward things like, 'I'm so tired,' and 'I wanna be a kitty-cat' (because, well, why wouldn't you?)

Amongst these understandable statements, sometimes it throws out weird ones.

The other day it threw out a new one that I'm still trying to figure out.

Out of nowhere, the thought popped into my head: I want the books to be OK.

And I stopped short. 

And I thought... what the hell does that mean?

I want the books to be OK.

Friday 19 November 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Knit Together


'Slowly, Klaus’ scarf begins to take shape. It’s a little wonky in places, the occasional stitch has been dropped, the loops are not very neat - but he’s improving with time.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

The Umbrella Academy (TUA) fic time again!!! Woo!

And yes, as you've probably guessed, this fic is firmly front-and-centred on m'boy Klaus Hargreeves.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Nerd Church - War Is Failure


(Warning: this post discusses war, violence, and the Holocaust)

'War Is Failure' with poppies against a white background

Since it's Remembrance Sunday here in the UK, I think it's time we all admitted something: war is failure.

Yes, even the conflicts we 'win.'

Yes, even the conflicts that people had to get involved in.

Yes, even World War 2.

Friday 12 November 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Any Port (Cabin) In A Storm

'“So let me see if I’ve got this straight. You think a witch has lured us here to her cabin so she can fatten us up with fast food, then kill us and eat us for Sunday brunch?”

Sam blinks. “Yes?”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Not entirely sure what I just read...

But then, reading the author's note... they're not entirely sure what they just wrote either - so at least we're all on the same page!

This is a The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS) SamBucky fic. Because this is my blog, and I choose the fics. 😎😅

(Fandom notes: SamBucky is the name of a sexual and/or romantic relationship between Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes from the MCU (Marvel movies etc.))

Sunday 7 November 2021

Nerd Church - No Time For A COP Out, There Is No Planet B


By now, you've probably heard of COP 26 - the global climate summit taking place in Glasgow.

(And if you haven't, it might be a good idea to ask yourself why your usual news source hasn't told you about it.)

COP26 started on 31st October, and will end on 12th November.

The general vibes (and I may be wrong about this, so please bare that in mind,) are that most of the headline agreements happened in the 1st week, with the world leaders present, with the details and logistics being hashed out by the civil servants, etc., in the 2nd.

'No Time For A COP Out, There Is No Planet B' next to a globe