Wednesday 11 April 2018

Micropoetry - March 2018

I'm actually doing a Micropoetry wrap-up before the middle of the month!

(No-one is more surprised that me!)

Sunday 8 April 2018

Nerd Church - Disconnected

This might be one of those times where it turns out I've gotten old. It's highly possible.

Despite the fact that I get ID'd pretty much everywhere, I am actually a grown-a** woman; albeit one that only comes a little over 5ft.

A grown-a** woman who is still as genuinely enthusiastic about the bands and music I love as ever.

At the end of March, I went to see Fall Out Boy for the 4th time (and a year or two ago I completed the Emo Trinity, thank you v. much! 😉 )

hands holding mobile phone with music symbol

I've never quite understood though, why, while I'm bouncing around, screaming my heart out and singing 'til my lungs give out, everybody else HAS THEIR F**KING PHONES OUT!

Don't get me wrong - a few photos, a video or two: there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nice memories and all that jazz.

But if your entire night consisted of FILMING the concert, instead of WATCHING the concert, then - and this is a genuine question - why did you bother to GO to the concert?

Friday 6 April 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Greek Chorus

Occasionally, I remember that I'm a book blogger (I know, right? Shocker!) and find a suitably book-related fic to recommend to you, my lovely nerdlets.

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

This week, I was lucky - I didn't have to look that hard.

Some weeks I literally have to trawl through soooooo many fics, and it takes me hours to find one decent enough to rec. to you all (seriously, I love fanfiction, but there's some utter cr*p out there.)

Plus, you know me, I love bringing you things which make you think - new takes on characters and storylines, deeper examinations of events, diverse rep. that we often just don't get in mainstream stuff.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - I Was Just the Only Child of the Universe

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman holding flower

Welcome back after last week's Comics Wrap-Up break - it's time for all the superheroes!!!! XD So much the superhero-y goodness this week!

Film Trailers

More Infinity War trailerssss!!!!!!!!!!! (Albeit the mini-TV-style-y ones.)

Warning: flashing images in all

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Month in Review(s) - March 2018

March. Ah, March.


March, for yours truly, was one of those months with too much trouble, and too little time to deal with it.

There was some good, incredible, awesome stuff - like a Fall Out Boy concert last week (completely awesome!) and hitting 200k page-views on Dora Reads (I LOVE YOU MY NERDLETS!!!) - but there was also a lot of stress, worry, Anxiety, etc.

There's a lot of personal stuff going on atm, including my grandmother being in hospital since the beginning of the month - and thanks so much for your support my dearest nerdlets! You rock, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

Friday 30 March 2018

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Update #1

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge

First update time! Woop!

I've read 63 chapters/parts in the first 3 months of this year!

My goal is 300-399 or 'Tuxedo Cat,' so I better get reading. Not too shabby though, if I do say so myself 😎