How is that it seems to be OK in this world to drink, smoke, f*** around etc., but not OK for you to prefer entering a world with dragons and demons, heroes and angels? The reading world is the one that I want to live in, I would rather wrap myself in the rhythm and beauty of the words on the page then get hammered at a night club. I'm sorry if my preferences irritate you.
For the record, if you want to go out and have a good time then go ahead, but please please please understand that I and people like me don't actually enjoy it, and would rather stay in with a good book. Oh, and try to stay safe please!
Dora Reads is the book blog of a Bookish Rebel, supporting the Diversity Movement, bringing you Queer views and mental health advocacy, slipping in a lot of non-bookish content, and spreading reading to the goddamn world! :) (All posts may contain Amazon links, which are affiliate, unless marked otherwise. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. USA ONLY - please do not make UK purchases with my links)
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