Two Marvel comics to include in my wrap-up this week - I picked up a load of comics cheap recently, and Vengeance (#4 of 6) was part of that haul. Despite the cover (which is all artistic-y - look at the artistic-y-ness!) this actually features young teen Loki, rather than his adult form. Kid Loki is freaking adorable. This is part of the Vengeance mini-series, which is about a young team of heroes, trying to help the forces of chaos and order to stay balanced, while a new team of young villains try to do away with the old heroes and villains alike. Because they are a**holes. I really enjoyed it. And the inclusion of a Latina bisexual hero - Miss America (America Chavez) and a black hero - Angel Salvadore - is an awesome addition. Not least because they are both awesome heroines in general. Could have done without some of the unrealistic and totally impractical shots of Chavez's boobs, but this is a comic book - multiple universes we can do, but the heroine at some point will probably have breasts that defy physics.

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