Monday 25 July 2016

Mini-Review! - Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson

Title: Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

Author: Jeanette Winterson

Genre: (Modern) Classics, LGBTQ+, F/F

Amazon: UK - USA


This is held up to be a modern classic, so I figured - why not? It looked interesting, after all.

I think this book doesn't get read enough because it's about *whispers* lesbians. We need to get over the narrow-mindedness, in all honesty.

Let me explain something straightaway, though - given the knowing glances and reluctance to talk about this book, I was expecting there to be sexy-times.

There was none of the sexy-times in this book. There were references to the sexy-times, but that's all. And even those are fairly tame, to be perfectly honest.

And I'm always honest with you guys ;)

This is a book about the fictional Jeanette (not to be confused with the real Jeanette,) a girl being raised in an evangelical Christian family up North in the 60s/70s.

They're raising her to be a missionary and do the Lord's work.

This is fine until Jeanette falls in love with another girl. Then the problems start.

This is a semi-autobiographical novel, where the author uses aspects of her own life to create a fictional version of herself.

I really enjoyed this book. The fable-style interludes were cool, and the way the characters were written was the right mix of affection, humour, and frustration.

It was also hugely readable, and quite short (less than 200 pages - practically bite-sized!) And if you want an interesting read, it's a sure-thing.

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  1. I've actually never even heard of a classic LGBT book! Most classics are naturally against it, so I think this would be a great change of pace!

    1. It probably helps that this is a modern classic (written in the 1980s, when attitudes were *starting* to change) rather than something written in the 1800s or whatever! It was a really good book though - I def enjoyed it! :)

  2. I also haven't read any "classic" LGBT fiction! haha
    I think Giovanni's Room would qualify as one? I do want to read that one.
    But I read so much gay fiction centered around men, so I need to include more lesbian and trans narratives.
    This book was recommended a lot in the Diverse Books Tag so it's definitely on my radar.

    1. I haven't heard of Giovanni's Room - another one to look into! 'Oranges' is a great book - and like I said, not that long, so easy to fit in :) I was pleased by how much I enjoyed it :)


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