Saturday 23 July 2016

The Poetry of Biffy Clyro

'Angels fall to the floor
Like they would if I was Captain
'Silver children' she roared,
I'm not the son of God'

- Biffy Clyro, The Captain
Amazon link (UK - US)

'The Captain' is one of my favourite Biffy Clyro songs. One of my favourite songs over all, actually. And the perfect example of poetry in song lyrics.

It's a song of hurt and hope, all woven together. It's a song with something ancient in it's heart - something that beats drums and dances for a pagan God.

Biffy Clyro's lyrics are a beautiful mix of imagery. No-one will ever be able to tell me that their lines aren't poetry.

Their lyrics (sung beautifully in lovely Scottish tones) are some of the most meaningful I've ever come across.

And they're proof that poetry belongs to everyone - not just academics and arty-types. Poetry is not sovereign territory, and can be enjoyed by everyone.

'This river is particularly sinister
Close your eyes and take my hand'

- Biffy Clyro, That Golden Rule
Amazon link (UK - US)

To me, the imagery in Biffy Clyro music - just that blend of the religious, the natural, the mystical, and the mundane - is just incredible.

Don't get me wrong, Biff' aren't a religious band. But they take religious imagery - angels, God, heaven, demons - and turn it into a beautiful complex weave of metaphors.

OK, so maybe I'm making them sound a lot more intellectual than I should be. They're a rock band, not a literature seminar.

But then, that's kind of the point. They've got genuine heart and a genuine rawness.

'Cause when my back is turned,
My bruises shine.
Our broken fairytale,
So hard to hide'

- Biffy Clyro, Many of Horror
Amazon link (UK - US)

'Many of Horror' is a beautiful, horrible, song. Brokenly stunning, it's just... wow.

It's about how love hurts - physically and mentally. And it's one of the few songs with the ability to make me cry - which is an achievement in itself ;) 

If you don't know much about Biffy Clyro, then you should totally check them out. They're awesome.

And, just because it deserves to be heard in all it's glory, here's 'The Captain':

What about you guys? Do you think music can be poetry?

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