Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Writer Diaries - Micropoetry, August 2016

Another month faffs off into the everloving history books, and I have more micropoetry for you :)

Hope you like!

(Also for some reason I seem to average four micropoems per month - random.)

9th August

My love, your hope.
Hearts tried to speak,
Yet never spoke.

16th August

We snipe at each other
Humans become trolls
Keyboards delete humanity for some,
But increase it for others -
Good web knights

20th August

Speed through a red light.
Go on. Go ahead.
But the flowers tied to that tree?
They're a warning,
Don't take them as a challenge.

22nd August

When I laughed
You thought that I agree.
I didn't want to show
How badly your words
hurt me.

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  1. The 16th of August one is so relevant to the book community right now. I just hope all this drama will be gone soon!

    1. Ha, so much different drama right now that I'm not even sure which drama you're referring to. But I'm just there like, 'what happened...?' like, constantly. I honestly can't keep up.


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