Friday 9 December 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Deck the Halls

More Christmas-y themed fanfiction for you!

And... well, I'm FrostIron trash, and I haven't recc'd FrostIron fics in quite a while... so it's FrostIron ;)

(Fangirling note: FrostIron is where Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and Loki have a little something romantical, sexual, or both, going on. It works way more than it should.)

This is basically fluff - but hell, Christmas needs fluffiness!

And honestly, this fic is worth it for the pyjama-related comments alone.

So, my dearest nerdlets, as I'm not really in too much of a rambling-on mood, let's get down to it!

This week's fic is:

Merry Christmas! Love, Tony and Loki by ragcat

Enjoy! And I'll be back next week for the last Fics Fix before Christmas!

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