Friday 16 December 2016

Friday Fics Fix - A Not-So Jolly Christmas with Draco and Harry

One of the main issues many people had with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was the complete lack of explanation of life between the last chapter and the epilogue.

Basically, the big question mark is how exactly the Wizarding World got stuck in and started to reinvent itself - to come to terms with a life after the Battle of Hogwarts.

This week's fic imagines a sort-of 'what if' scenario.

What if, due to the lack of general education most of the students had in that last year, they returned the next year to catch up with their missed studies?

What if Harry Potter returned to Hogwarts... and so did Draco Malfoy?

Because there was so much opportunity to explore what happened to Draco. How did he cope with... well, everything?

And this fic explores that.

And it turns out he didn't cope all that well - which is probably reasonable!

A few warnings: much swearings, much the dark and angsty stuff, and some obsessive behaviour that is NOT HEALTHY in either relationships or friendships.

There's also what can only be described as some sort of Magical Fight Club. #JustSaying

This is the first in a series, and is based around Christmas (woo! Christmas! Lol.)

The implication is that, in future instalments of the series, Draco and Harry (often known in combination as Drarry (#IKnowRight?)) will have something romantical going on, but in this fic, we just have the beginnings of a frenemies bromance a la Magneto and Professor X.

There's also a few typos in there, but it's generally worth it.

This week's fic then, is:

Dark Days of Christmas by Belle_Lestrange101

Enjoy, and have an awesome Christmas my nerdlets!

Friday Fix Fics will return on 6th January 2017

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