Thursday 16 November 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Tell Me I Can Have It All

comics wrap-up title image

Film Trailers

Yet more Thor: Ragnarok trailers!!!

Honestly, I can't blame them - this film rocks!

This first one is a eulogy to Thor's hammer (I sh** you not - and no, that's not a euphemism.)

(Warning: flashing images)

Ha, and this one is slightly risqué:

(Warning: flashing images)

And a healthy heaping of bad-a**ery to finish:

(Warning: flashing images)

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And we have a new Deadpool 2 teaser trailer!!! (Sort of...)

This is DEADPOOL we're talking about, so the humour is VERY NSFW, ok? Ok.

Also, I think Americans will get the spoof more than I did, cos I only have the faintest idea what he's spoofing here.

(Warning: flashing images, NSFW/adult humour)

Graphic Novels

This week I reviewed The Tea Dragon Society - an awesome graphic novel by Kay O'Neill.

Other Stuff

The Honest Trailers folks are at it again! This time we have a hilarious take on Batman Forever.

(Although, I still think Jim Carrey was an awesome Riddler)

Warning: flashing images, adult humour

And just because it had to be done, let's throw-back to the Honest Trailer of Batman and Robin...

(Warning: Flashing images, adult humour.)

POW! divider

(Warning: Discussions of racism and appropriation in Meleika's post.) 

(There might also be some mild spoilers - depending on what you view as spoilers!)

And that's it for this week! Don't forget to comment and share - have you seen Thor yet? :)

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  1. omhg I loved Thor: Ragnarok so MUCH!!! I drafted a review. Let's see if I can finish it! :)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!