Thursday 15 March 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - And The Silence Is So Deafening, It's Like Picking at a Sore

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing a flower to her girl-like shadow

I'm super-tired this week, so if I'm spouting nonsense and/or using verbiage and syntax usually found only in 19th Century novels (a weird habit I have sometimes when I'm tired,) then that's why! 😅

As is inevitable from time to time, this week is one of those instances where the only things I have to present to you, my dearest nerdlets, is that found in the 'other stuff' category.

As always, I blame Loki.

Loki 'You're sworn to obey me, now...' gif

Other Stuff

For International Women's Day, Marvel gave us this awesome short video about super-heroines :)

(Warning: flashing images)

POW! comics bubble

There's not one, singular, lonely, review, but TWO reviews of the Batman YA book, Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu, for you this week, my eager nerdlets.

Georgiana @ Carmen's Reading Corner gives her view on the incongruous Bruce Wayne's YA adventure...

...and Kat @ Books and Sensibility discusses her take on the audio version of that same venture into Gotham's scenic alleys and asylums.

POW! comics bubble

POW! comics bubble

And to finish us off this week, Justin Carter @ Comic Book Resources discusses how the verdant Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow, has returned to his Social Justice origins.

So my darling nerdlets, who's your favourite female superhero? 💬😄

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Previous comics posts:


  1. I wish I started talking from the 19th century when I’m tired! That would be freaky but also kinda cool lol.

    1. Did I describe The Green Arrow as 'verdant'? XD OMG, sometimes I worry about myself!

      Yeah... sometimes my friends would get jealous cos my school essays would sound smart when I wrote them tired. And I was like 'yeah, they *sound* smart, but I'm actually talking outta my a*se!'

      Also, sometimes I get to the point where I just don't stop talking... The Bestie has some excellent e-mails I wrote when we were teens where I'm discussing vampires (because... tired,) and literally sound like I walked out of a gothic novel! For like, six super-long paragraphs. Oops!

  2. My favorite superheroine is Mockingbird, followed closely by Rogue (of Xmen fame). I love Storm too, but I tend to relate to Rogue since everything she touches turns nasty. :P
    Thanks for sharing- I hadn't seen that video!
    ~Litha Nelle

    1. Marvel Mockingbird, or DC Mockingbird? (I'ma assume you mean Marvel though!)

      I kind of have a love/hate thing with Rogue. Sometimes she's truly awesome, sometimes she's just whiny (or just plain odd! Lol.)

      I'm sure that you have less of a life-sapping force than Rogue. And I never thought I'd say that sentence! XD *hugs*

    2. Marvel, of course! But I'm a bit lost in the fibro-fog still, so I forgot to mention that. :P
      ~Litha Nelle

    3. No worries - hope you're feeling better soon! :)

  3. I finally saw the new Wonder Woman movie and loved it so Diana is my favorite superhero right now.

    Dinh@Arlene's Book Club

    1. Diana's awesome! (And was actually originally written to be a feminist heroine! #TrueStory.) :)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!