Wednesday 14 March 2018

Micropoetry - February 2018

Yes, I know, I know, I always end up posting these half-way through the next month. But it's because I'm awesome, obviously 😎

There's a huge mix of poems this month, because my head is clearly a randomly varied place 😅

typewriter pic

Here's my Micropoetry, then, from February:

10th Feb

A sister's bond is tight,
Just as tight with the sisters that we choose.
We only want safety,
and happiness,
for you.
Know that if you're ever in trouble,
If you ever need me,
Regardless of the tangles life knots us into,
I'm here.
You're still the sister that I choose.

flourish divider

13th Feb

Did we ever see your true face?
Cos I don't know
any more
Where that mask
meets the skin.
Makes me feel like a fool.
Cos I thought we saw you.
Didn't know
That you choose
a different face
To go with each outfit

creepy full-face Venetian mask with purple colour scheme and background

flourish divider

21st Feb

The blood of the land
& the land in your blood.
Defence of a home
that others call lost.
The trees are quiet,
But listen!
They whisper secrets,
of graves unknown
& heroes unseen.
The singing brook
Murmurs news of men lost.
And the fire lives
In the black blood of the land.

flourish divider

28th Feb

Mind's Eye -
Images uploaded instantly
Billions of dedicated users, worldwide.
Unlimited filters.

Mind's Eye - Images may be less
of a reflection
of reality
than they appear.

The world's tightest
Create your own reality

laptop with multiple screens in 3D

What d'you think? :)

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Micropoetry Posts:


  1. Aw I loved February 10th! So cute :D

    1. Thank you! That one was actually a message for someone who... well, may or may not've seen it. Hopefully they did.

  2. 2/10 was absolutely gorgeous! There's a few women in my life who I feel about the exact same way. ♥
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thank you! :) (I got confused for a minute there, cos in the UK we write 10th Feb as 10/02; I was like, '*what* about October...?' Lol)

  3. Chosen family is the best <3 And I can relate to the second one for reasons. I love how thought-provoking the last one is!

    1. That first one was a message to... someone who's recently broken bridges, as a message that I'm here if she needs me.

      The second one was... yeah. Reasons. Lol.

      And thank you! I have absolutely no idea where that last one came from - I was literally drying dishes and it popped into my head! Lol :)

  4. I always enjoy reading your micropoetry! I've been reading the Raven Boys series lately and something about the 21st February poem makes me think of that. I really liked that one - I could feel the passion burning through it!

    1. Ha, well I wrote that one about my home, and Wales in general - so since The Raven Cycle series leans heavily on Welsh history and mythology, I'm not surprised there was a similar vibe! :)

      Thanks so much! :) <3

  5. love your poetry! 10th is cute! my fav have to be 13th and 28th! :)

    1. Thank you so much! :) And why does it not surprise me that your faves are the ones with a bit of an edge? ;)

    2. [she grins big because her favorite nerdlet knows her well now]


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