Thursday 28 June 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - Open the Door Don't Let It Sting

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing flower to her living shadow

It's too hot here in the UK - let's check out some cool comics! 😎 

(See what I did there?)

Film Trailers

More li'l Ant-Man and The Wasp trailers/film clips/whatever to feast your li'l nerdlet-y eyes on! 😍

(Warning: flashing images)

Also, this one is slightly traumatic, I'm not gonna lie!

Blogposts on Dora Reads

Here on Dora Reads, I finally got around to reviewing the unique and powerful graphic novel BLACK, Vol 1. 😁

Other Stuff

Rachel Brittain @ Book Riot provides a list of kid-friendly LGBTQ+ comics.

dividing line

Comic Book Resources has brought the news that we could soon see LGBTQ+ characters in the Marvel movies.

Let's just hope it's not more queer-baiting. *sighs*

dividing line

Which Queer Marvel characters would you like to see in the movies? Do you want pre-existing characters to come out? (You know I do!) Talk to me! 👬💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Ups:


  1. Omg it is so freaking hot here in Canada too! We have friends from Italy staying with us and I just went for a run (bad mistake) I’m currently typing this while eating breakfast just hoping they don’t come up from the basement and see me all sweaty lol! Pray for me, Cee!

    1. I hate the heat - I'm not meant for this dammit!!!! Seriously, it needs to f**king cool down here! (And probably there too!)

  2. Stupidly hot in France too!
    My graphic novel this month was Sour Apple. Disturbing to say the least! Will go take a look at Black

    1. Ehrmagod boeth iawn fawr! Erch! I'm so freaking hot! *wilts*

      I read your review of Sour Apple - sounds unique to say the least!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!