Thursday 2 August 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - A Poet But a Criminal

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing a flower to her living-shadow

Let's get right down to all the awesome comics-y-ness!

Film Trailers


Like, if - IF - the movie is as good as the trailer, then we are safe!

A quick recap for those who don't know: Venom = Spider-man emo juice (which in this film skips the Spider-man connection.)

It's a symbiote that bonds with a host, and usually walks a fine line between villain and anti-hero.

(Warning: horror, violence, flashing images)

Other Stuff

Following James Gunn's firing from the Guardians of the Galaxy directing job (which I explained last week) the entire main cast of GotG signed an open letter in support of him.

While the letter doesn't out-right call for Gunn's re-instatement, it's clear that this is what most of the cast would like.

dividing line

...about time too!

dividing line

And to finish us off this week we have a review of Orphans, Vol 1, from Dani @ Perspective of a Writer.

Do you like the Venom trailer? Do you prefer darker, or more light-hearted, comic-book films? Talk to me! 😎💬

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Previous Comics Posts:

Remember to share and comment 💖


  1. Venom scares the sh*t out of me. That’s pretty much all I’m gonna say on the subject LOL.

    1. Hahahahaha, I think that was v. eloquently articulated Em ;)

  2. haha good question for me! I do prefer most things darker. My books, my characters, my TV shows, My movies. My car. My hubby lol he is 1/4 black :) I want to watch Venom! :)

    1. Is it bad that I was **actually** thinking of you when I wrote that question? Lol! ;)

  3. Lol nope! I love that you think of me! I think of you often! Here I’m checking if u replied to my comments ��❤️ (because I don’t got notifications smh)

    1. Is it a general blogger problem you have? Or did you just forget to check the li'l box? Lol ;)

  4. Hahahahahahaga omg I love these Dory moments! I’m like WAIT!!! THERE IS A BOX I COULD HAVE CHECKED???
    But you know... the universe conspires to make me happy!!!
    The universe knew I would be happier visiting your blog over and over again than getting notifications when you replied!
    Ok... checking the box now to prove this theory

    1. I love that my natural assumption of 'she totally forgot to check the box, didn't she?' was totally accurate! XD Love you. <3

    Technology is awesome! I think I like this! XD
    haha I loved that too! You make very accurate assumptions about me! That means you are getting to know me which is great cuz I love ya too! xoxo


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!