Wednesday 12 September 2018

Micropoetry - August 2018

More Micropoetry time!

And August's Micropoetry from yours truly was just as random-a** and eclectic as ever - enjoy!

Three pieces for you this time, all with graphics.

As ever, if you're using a screen reader, the poetry will be in the alt-text of the images, with / marks showing line breaks.

17th August/// Open auditions continuing / For the role of The Love Interest / Zero applicants. / Is role too challenging?

dividing line

19th August //Let me see some goddamn PASSION! / You're here, aren't you?! / PROVE it! / Give me that heart on your sleeve, / That piece of your soul, / The rawness, the bareness, the full picture / And any other cliche that may fit. / I ask for the world, sure, / But in return I give the world to you.

dividing line

24th August //(Don't try to neaten up) / That messy truth / You didn't want the world to see. / That messy truth / (The one you tried to neaten up) / Is what you were always meant to be.

So, whaddya think of my Micropoetry this month? Talk to me! 😅💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Micropoetry posts:

Please share and comment if you enjoyed this post! 👍

Last updated: 13th Sept 2018


  1. Omg I love the first one! When I read the last line I was like: woah, that took a turn!

  2. Your love interest one is great! I even chuckled at the last line :)

  3. Replies
    1. This was meant to be a reply to Nicole, but technology

  4. Ha, I love the first one! It's a very challenging role, for my casting too ;-) And aww, I love the last one too!

    1. Maybe we need to send out more scripts ;)

      Thank you! :) <3

  5. I like that you've starting adding graphics to them as well! The first one I really like. I'm sure a lot of people can relate and it's nice to have it relating to a casting call :D

    1. Thank you! People seem to really like that one - which is always nice! :) <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!