Sunday 27 October 2019

Nerd Church - 39

(Warning: this post discusses human trafficking, modern slavery, racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, and the tragic deaths of 39 immigrants)

A single candle in the darkness

For those of you outside the UK, who may not know, 39 immigrants were found dead this week in a lorry in Essex.

They were probably Vietnamese, but the details are still a bit fuzzy..

I'm not naive enough to think that the world has ever been anything but a cruel place. 

I'm not naive enough to think that there's one, easily identified, reason that this terrible thing happened.

(...Although, anyone knowingly and willfully involved in profit-making people-trafficking, and/or modern slavery, needs a life sentence in prison, and for any assets to be confiscated by the state.)

What I am naive enough to think, is that you, dearest nerdlet, will have a genuine and human reaction involving some level or combination of pain, sorrow, heartache, dismay, compassion, and anger at this world.

If not, maybe you're on the wrong blog.

Because every single one of those people was a person. 

- Far more of a person than the ghouls who seem to think it's a good thing that 39 people perished cruelly, just because they were immigrants, or even simply because they were Asian.

And luckily, those ghouls are in the minority.

But the very existence of those sentiments online is something I just... can't understand.

But then, neither can I understand how someone can put 39 beautiful, unique, incredible human beings in a refrigerated container, with no care or concern about the danger they're putting them in.

I'm not naive enough to think that the world has ever been anything but a cruel place.

I'm not naive enough to think that there's one, easily identified, reason that this terrible thing happened.

I hope, though, that I never understand how someone could do that to other people. 

And if that makes me naive, then I'm ok with that.

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Last updated: 31st Dec 2019


  1. This is such a tragedy. I was also just in Essex last week, so to hear this happen was a shock. I hope they catch everyone who was involved.

    1. Me too. They've charged the lorry driver with conspiracy to traffic people, money laundering, and 39 counts of manslaughter. They've arrested a bunch of other people, and I hope they get every last one of the ba****ds.


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