Thursday 28 September 2023

Comics Wrap-Up - Loving It, TBH

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, the world is very 2023 out there, let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Loki Approaches...

Check out the new teaser for Loki, series 2!

I'm absolutely loving it, tbh - it looks so awesome!

Warning: flashing images, horror elements, general violence and mayhem

A Shang-Chi Pitch Meeting

I recently watched Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings for the first time (pretty awesome movie,) so, as I tend to do, I moved on to watching the Screen Rant/Ryan George Pitch Meeting for it.

If you're unware of this series, comedian Ryan George imagines a pitch meeting for various movies, where the writer proposes the plot to the studio.

They're hilarious, and I love them. 😅

So what we have here is the pitch meeting for Shang-Chi with lots of good-natured ribbing of plotholes and the Marvel movie formulal. Enjoy!

Warning: SPOILERS, mild flashing images, general violence

Run-time: 8 mins

Shameless Self-Promo Time!

If you enjoy the stuff I write, you can always buy me a coffee here (y'know, if you wanna.)

Are you looking forward to Loki?

Have you seen Shang-Chi?

Talk to me! 😊💬

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Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

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  1. I really enjoyed Shang Chi! I thought the soundtrack was great too.

    1. I honestly don't remember soundtracks much, lol :)


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