Thursday 31 December 2015

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve. Goodbye 2015. Hello 2016, and the opportunities, joys, sorrows, trials, and love it will bring.

If you're going out tonight please take care of yourself, and don't over-do things.

The people who call you boring for not wanting another drink won't remember this conversation in the morning, so it really doesn't matter. What matters is staying safe and healthy.

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi! Happy New Year to all of you!

Take care, have fun, make it a good one.

fireworks happy new year
Like This Post? Try These:

2016 Bookish Resolutions
Reflecting on 2015

Success! Goodreads Challenge complete

finished 2015 goodreads challenge

Argh! I'm so chuffed! 200 books over and out!

OK, so there was a lot of 'cheating' with the graphic novels, comics, and poetry. But who cares? Goodreads allows it - so I do too!!!

On to 2016!

Like This Post? Try These:

2016 Bookish Resolutions
Reflecting on 2015

Comics Wrap Up - Let's Go

Film Trailers

Christmas day brought us another smack-down slice of the Merc with the Mouth, the insatiable, the incredible, Mr. Wade Wilson himself: Deadpool!

I've only given you the green band (universal-ish) trailer here, because that's enough to be corrupting the innocent with for one day. Deadpool can corrupt pretty much anyone.

To watch the red band, you have to prove to Youtube that you're over 18. Then you get all the inappropriate comments, adult humour, and swearing like a sailor, that Deadpool can give to you. And that's not a small amount.

I love Deadpool. So very much.

Like This Post? Try These:

Deadpool trailer review!
Comics Wrap-Up - She's a Rebel

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Review! (Woohoo!) - The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams

the boy in the dress book coverTitle: The Boy in the Dress.

Author: David Walliams .

Genre: Kids, Humour.

A few starting notes:

I saw the BBC adaptation of the Boy in the Dress last year, so took my chance to borrow the eBook from the Welsh libraries service.
This is suitable for ages 9 or 10 up, maybe a little younger, or a little older, depending on what kid is actually doing the reading.

Dennis is your normal 12-year-old boy living a normal, boring, life. Except, inside, Dennis is a bit different. But who's going to accept a 12-year-old boy in a dress?

Best bits:

I'm not entirely sure this could be more British unless the cover featured a bulldog drinking tea. This is just amazingly British - particularly in terms of humour - not surprising, I suppose, when it comes to David Walliams.
In the tradition of the legend of children's writing, Roald Dahl, Walliams doesn't speak down to kids and/or readers. He's along for the ride, down to taking a moment to look up details of football (soccer to the Yanks.)
The kids are going to love the gross bits - all the snot and the farting is like catnip to 10-year-olds. And Walliams manages to keep the balance and not go too far with the icky stuff.
Of course, mention must be made of the fantastic pencil-scratch-style illustrations of Quentin Blake, who was Roald Dahl's primary illustrator for many years.

Not so great bits:

There's very little to argue against with this book - although I can see how more conservative readers may be put off by the premise of a boy in a dress.
There's occasional use of the slightly-homophobic slang insult 'woofter,' which may insult some people.

I really did love this book; it was fun, entertaining, engaging, and genuinely good-hearted and well-written. I would recommend this to pretty much anyone.

Monday 28 December 2015

Straight James/ Gay James Now Available For Pre-Order

James Franco's poetry chapbook Straight James/Gay James is now available for pre-order in the UK. The book is released on 1st Jan 2016.

You may/may not remember my full review of this book - but I will say that I really loved it.

Full Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate, and will receive a small commission if you choose to use any of my links to make purchases.

Full Review - Buy Now - GoodreadsAuthor's Facebook

Like This Post? Try These:

Review Time! (Oh Yeah!) - Straight James/Gay James by James Franco
My Picks of 2015

Sunday 27 December 2015

2016 Bookish Resolutions

 Reading Resolutions
    new year fireworks
  1. To read 200 books (Goodreads Challenge) - I've decided to use the same target number as my 2015 Challenge because it seems to be just right for the speed I read. I can always revise it up or down as needed. I started 2015 with a target of 50, and moved it from there.
  2. To read at least 20 books for the Charity Reading Challenge 2016.
  3. To read widely - neither genre, nor popularity, nor age range shall limit my reading! Huzzah! (Ok, I may have had some coffee... Reading Addicts like coffee *nods sagely, grins maniacally*)
  4. To read at least 5 books in Welsh - I learn languages best by reading (not that much of a surprise) and I'm always looking for ways to improve my Welsh (it is not an easy language to learn,) so I figure reading at least five kids' books in Welsh, from beginning to end, will give me a helping hand.
  5. To never, ever, stop reading in print - I have an eReader now, but that does not  mean I'm going to let myself get carried away and abandon the magic of actual, physical books. I will always prefer print and paper, and this resolution is there to remind me of that.

Blogging Resolutions
  1. To blog regularly.
  2. To always be open, honest, and genuine in my blogging and my reviewing.
  3. To never lose sight of why I started this blog - which was to have fun, feel a bit more like a person again, enjoy reading, and encourage others to do the same.
  4. Try to find ways to promote reading - sometimes I feel like blogging involves a lot of preaching to the converted, I want to make readers of non-readers.
  5. To not get stressed! - If I don't finish a post by a certain time, it doesn't matter! This is my blog, and I shouldn't be stressing about it.

Like this post? Try these:

Reflecting on 2015
Charity Reading Challenge 2016
Goodreads Challenge 2015 - One Month Left